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  • うちの猫が下痢をするのはなぜですか?
  • 猫の下痢の原因は?
    • 寄生虫
    • 異物
    • 毒素
    • 食べ物と食事
    • 特定の健康状態
  • 猫が下痢をする期間はどれくらいですか?
  • 下痢をしている猫には何を与えますか?
  • 猫の下痢にはどのような家庭薬を与えることができますか?
  • ‍子猫の下痢
  • 猫の下痢を予防できますか?
  • 重要ポイント

プロのヒント: 獣医の請求書は高額になる可能性がありますが、獣医の助けなしに子猫を健康に保つことが常に可能とは限りません。適切なペット保険プランに加入することで、予算を保護し、猫の健康が確保されているという安心感を得ることができます。


下痢は、通常よりも柔らかい/より液体の便と定義されます。猫の下痢には主に 2 つのタイプがあります。突然発生し、2 週間未満続く急性下痢と、3 週間以上持続または再発する慢性下痢です。

通常の猫の糞は、一般的に固く、こげ茶色で、ナゲットや丸太のような形をしています。ただし、ネコ科の友だちが 2 日以上液体または軟便を出している場合は、原因を特定することが重要です。下痢は深刻な、または生命を脅かす病気の徴候である可能性があるためです。



  • 頻繁な排便
  • トイレの外での排便
  • 排便のためにいきむ
  • 便に血や粘液が混じっている
  • 便中のワーム
  • 嘔吐または吐き気
  • 食欲減退
  • 衰弱または疲労
  • 減量
  • 腹痛





鉤虫、サナダムシ、ジアルジア、コクシジウムなどの寄生虫は、胃腸 (GI) 管を刺激し、下痢のほか、嘔吐、脱水、被毛の鈍化などの症状を引き起こす可能性があります。











下痢を引き起こす可能性のあるもう 1 つのことは、ペットの食事の突然の変化です。あなたの猫の仲間が敏感な胃を持っていなくても、新しい食べ物は最初は消化器系を混乱させる可能性があります.このため、できれば 1 ~ 2 週間かけて、常に新しい種類またはブランドの食品を徐々に導入する必要があります。



猫の多くの病状は、猫の慢性下痢を引き起こす可能性があります。 Many of them are infections caused by bacteria like Campylobacter and Salmonella, whereas others are viral infections such as feline parvo, leukemia, infectious peritonitis, and immunodeficiency virus.

Other conditions that commonly cause cat diarrhea include:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Pancreatitis
  • Lymphoma

Chronic (long-lasting or reccurring) diarrhea can cause serious complications . These cases are often resistant to treatment and can require multiple diagnostic tests before it can be completely resolved, if possible.

How long can a cat have diarrhea?

Contact your vet for their earliest appointment if cat diarrhea persists for more than three dayse --- especially if it's accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, decreased appetite, bloody, mucous, or discolored stools. These could be clinical signs of an underlying disease that should be promptly addressed.

Occasional loose stools should not be a cause for concern. If your cat has diarrhea but seems fine and does not present other symptoms of illness, it’s advisable to wait a day or two to see if the condition resolves itself. A one-off bout of diarrhea in cats is not a reason to go to the pet emergency room.

However, if you think your pet may have swallowed a foreign object or ingested something toxic, get in touch with your veterinarian or a nearby vet clinic immediately.


Identifying the cause of cat diarrhea

Your vet will likely perform fecal tests that include cytology, fecal flotation, culturing, and antigen testing to check for inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Bloodwork is used to screen for systemic or metabolic causes and check whether the diarrhea has caused anemia or dehydration.

They might also order abdominal ultrasound, endoscopy, or X-rays to check for cancer or possible ingestion of a foreign body.

Other methods to determine the cause of cat diarrhea include gastrointestinal function tests, colonoscopy, biopsy, medication trials, and food trials to assess response to dietary changes.

What to give a cat with diarrhea?

Treatment will depend on what’s causing diarrhea.

In the past, veterinarians would recommend a period of fasting in order to rest the cat’s bowels. However, today we know that the intestines need nutrition to heal themselves, and withholding food is only recommended in case your pet is vomiting.

Dehydrated cats will be given subcutaneous or I.V. fluids. If the diarrhea is caused by parasites, your vet will prescribe a dewormer and other medications. If bacteria is present, the vet will prescribe antibiotics. In some cases, drugs may be given to decrease intestinal motility.

Never give your cat human anti-diarrheal medication , as many of them are toxic to cats.

What home remedy can I give my cat for diarrhea?

Your vet might recommend increasing the intake of fiber as it can lessen or prevent diarrhea by solidifying watery and loose stools. Canned pumpkin and psyllium are two easily available fiber supplements. Although there are no hard rules for how to dose these in cats, it’s best to start with one or two teaspoons of each per day, mixed into your pet's food.

For some cases of diarrhea, permanent diet changes might be necessary to help maintain proper digestion. Your veterinarian could recommend specially-formulated therapeutic cat food or prescribe a highly digestible diet with added prebiotic fibers.

Why does my kitten have diarrhea?

In kittens, diarrhea is usually caused by a parasite or ingested foods they’re not supposed to eat. Kittens love to explore and discover new foods but their digestive system isn’t yet capable of digesting some of these foods. In addition, kittens can dehydrate much quicker than adult cats, which can cause serious issues.

If your kitten has only one instance of diarrhea and seems as lively as usual, there’s probably no reason for concern. However, if diarrhea persists or you notice other symptoms, you should call your vet. The immune system of kittens and senior cats is much weaker than adults, therefore diarrhea can be more dangerous.

プロのヒント: Signing up your kittens for pet insurance as early as possible will make sure they’re fully protected while their immune system is still developing.

Can you prevent cat diarrhea?

Yes, it’s possible to prevent cat diarrhea.

Avoid making abrupt diet changes or feeding your feline friend human foods to prevent cases of stomach upset. Be sure to keep underlying diseases --- like hyperthyroidism, IBD, pancreatitis, and food allergies --- under control with appropriate medications and/or diet, according to your vet’s instructions.


  • Diarrhea in cats is defined as more frequent bowel movements that are unusually fluid or soft. While diarrhea itself is not a disease, it is an indication that something isn’t right. There are two types of feline diarrhea:acute and chronic.
  • There are many possible causes of diarrhea in cats, including parasites, bacterial or viral infections, food allergies, antibiotics, and other medications, etc.
  • If diarrhea lasts for several days or is accompanied by other symptoms like vomiting, lethargy, and lack of appetite, be sure to call your vet. Your vet will determine the cause and recommend an appropriate treatment.


犬の下痢はよくあることです。状態は、ケースごとに強度、頻度、および期間が異なります。多くの場合、自然にすぐに治りますが、犬の継続的な下痢は、より深刻な健康状態の兆候である可能性があります. この投稿では、犬の下痢のさまざまな原因、懸念の原因を示す兆候、獣医に診てもらう時期について説明します.また、ペットの体調をできるだけ早く回復させるために、犬の下痢の家庭でできる対処法についても説明します。 目次: 犬の下痢とは? 犬の下痢の原因は? 犬の下痢の種類 犬のうんちの違いは何を意味しますか? 犬の下痢を止める家庭薬 犬の下痢で獣医にかかる時期 犬の下痢の治療法 重要ポイント プロのヒン


サナダムシは、猫を非常に病気にする可能性のある腸内寄生虫です。しかし、これらのワームは不快ですが、特に初期段階で見つけた場合は治療可能です. では、症状はどのようなもので、猫がサナダムシに感染しているかどうかはどうすればわかりますか?この記事では、この寄生虫とそれが猫に引き起こす病気について知っておくべきことをすべて取り上げます. 目次: サナダムシとは? 猫はどのようにしてサナダムシに感染しますか? サナダムシ感染のリスクがあるのは誰ですか? 猫のサナダムシの症状は何ですか? サナダムシはどのように診断されますか? 猫のサナダムシの治療法 猫のサナダムシを予防する方法 重要ポイント