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あなたの犬は土、石、または食べてはいけないものを食べていますか?多分彼らはゴミ、草、またはうんちにふけるのが好きですか?食べることに関して言えば、私たちの犬の仲間は、やや奇妙で嫌な習慣を持っている可能性があり、食べられないように見えるアイテムを喜んで飲み込みます.あなたの犬がそれらの 1 つである場合、異食症と呼ばれる状態にある可能性があります。




  • 犬の異食症とは?
  • 犬の異食症の原因は?
  • 犬の異食症の症状
  • 犬の異食症の診断
  • 犬の異食症治療
  • 異食症の治療費
  • 犬の異食症の予防
  • 重要ポイント

プロのヒント: 異物摂取のリスクを完全になくすことはできませんが、問題が発生する前にペット保険に加入することで、想像を絶する事態が発生した場合に、自分自身と愛犬を守ることができます。


異食症は、食べ物ではない物を食べたいという衝動を特徴とする摂食障害です。 一部の子犬は 1 種類のアイテムしか食べない場合がありますが、他の子犬は、土、岩、本、ボールのウェットティッシュなど、さまざまなオブジェクトを食べます。一般に異食症の犬は、下着、靴下、タオル、パンストなど、飼い主の匂いがするアイテムを好む傾向があります。



異食症になりやすい犬種もあります ラブラドール・レトリバーなど。この障害は、メスの犬にもよく見られます .


異食症の原因は生理的のいずれかです (基礎疾患による)または心理的 (純粋に行動)


  • 内分泌疾患 (糖尿病や甲状腺疾患など)
  • 栄養の不均衡
  • 寄生虫感染症(サナダムシや鉤虫など)
  • 消化不良と吸収不良の病気


Behavioral pica, also called stress eating, is most often caused by boredom, anxiety (especially separation anxiety), and stress. Other common reasons include depression, lack of physical or mental stimulation, and attention-seeking.


Pica symptoms in dogs

The classic sign of pica in dogs is eating non-food objects. However, there’s a number of secondary symptoms that may be caused by the disorder, which can vary depending on the item consumed.

Ingestion of a foreign object can lead to gastrointestinal (GI) irritation with symptoms such as:

  • 下痢
  • 嘔吐
  • Chronic bad breath
  • 無気力
  • 食欲不振

More serious health complications include a blockage of the intestines and internal ulcerations , which symtpoms can include:

  • Intractable vomiting
  • Straining or inability to defecate
  • Dark or tarry stools
  • 過度のよだれ
  • 腹痛
  • げっぷ

If the object is blocking the respiratory tract, your pet might cough or sneeze frequently. In severe cases, pica can result in infection — especially if the ingested items are dirty or contaminated (such as feces) — or poisoning if they were to consume something toxic.

Diagnosing pica disorder in dogs

In general, pica is diagnosed through the behavior itself. Although it may be easy to confirm that your dog has pica, determining the disorder's underlying cause is more challenging.

To figure out if the condition is caused by a medical issue, your veterinarian may need to perform bloodwork, urinalysis, and test samples of your dog’s stool in order to check for liver disease, and the presence of parasites. These tests will also help rule out diseases like anemia, diabetes, and thyroid problems.

Depending on the symptoms your pet displays, more specific bloodwork might be required to test nutrient absorption in the digestive tract. This typically involves checking cobalamin and folate levels and doing a TLI test to check for pancreatic function. Your vet might also perform X-rays to check for a GI obstruction.

Pica in dogs treatment

The treatment for dog pica will mainly depend on what’s causing the condition.

If it’s being caused by an underlying medical issue, treatment for that specific health condition may be enough for your dog to stop eating non-food objects. However, sometimes pica could develop into a bad habit, especially if the pup has been eating non-food objects for a long time. In that case, treating the underlying health issue won’t solve the problem and the pet parent will need to limit the dog’s access to the items they like to eat.

If a nutritional deficiency is a cause, your vet may recommend dietary changes, nutritional supplements, or changes in your dog’s feeding schedule.

Dogs with intestinal blockage will require hospitalization to undergo surgery.


プロのヒント: The cost of surgery for an intestinal blockage is expensive. Foreign bodies lodged in the GI tract are considered medical emergencies, and most pet insurance plans will cover treatment and surgery.

Pica caused by psychological issues is usually more difficult to treat. This often requires a combination of behavioral reconditioning, training, reducing stress and anxiety, and keeping the items your dog likes to eat out of their reach.

For dogs suffering from separation anxiety and stress, exercise and training are recommended. Providing toys and chewable items might also be helpful.

Pet parents are also advised to examine their pet’s environment for possible stressors, such as kids that might not be interacting properly with the dog, other pets in the household, and so forth.

Work with your vet to develop a suitable treatment plan for your dog. They can also refer you to a veterinary behaviorist, who will be able to address both medical and behavioral issues and recommend anti-anxiety medications if necessary.

Cost of treating pica disorder

Pica treatment costs will depend on what’s causing the condition. For underlying medical issues, expenses can vary widely. In cases of behavioral pica, the fees for behavioral training can reach around $200 or more, and may require ongoing prescription medications.

Dogs that experience an intestinal blockage may require surgery, which can cost up to a few thousand dollars .

Preventing pica in dogs

Prevention is always better than a cure. The best way to prevent the development of pica is to keep your dog from eating non-food objects by putting them away. If your pet is eating wood, rocks, or grass, be sure to keep them on a leash while outdoors.

Some other ways to prevent pica in dogs include ensuring that your pup is getting enough mental and physical stimulation, making sure they eat a diet that meets their nutritional needs, and eliminating any anxiety triggers from their environment.


  • Pica is a condition that is characterized by compulsive eating of non-food objects. Dogs with pica might eat plastic, paper, wood, clothes, and rocks.
  • The cause of pica in dogs can be medical or psychological.
  • Treatment will depend on the cause and might include behavioral modification or medications.
  • The best way to prevent pica is to keep your pet from eating non-food objects by putting away the items they want to eat. Physical activity, mental stimulation, and a proper diet are also good ways to prevent pica.


ジアルジアは、犬、猫、および人間の間で簡単に伝染する一般的な寄生虫です。下痢や嘔吐などの症状を引き起こしますが、幸いなことに、ペットの親が子犬を感染から守るためにできる対策がいくつかあります。 あなたの愛する人を安全に保つために、犬のジアルジア症の原因、症状、治療について知っておくべきことはすべてここにあります. プロのヒント :一部のペット保険では、ジアルジア症、ケンネルコフ、パルボなどの状態が既存のものではなく、必要または推奨されるすべての予防接種が現在行われており、予防措置が講じられている場合に限り、これらの状態をカバーしています。 目次: ジアルジアとは? ジアルジアはどのよ


あなたの毛皮のような友人が不快に見えたり、体をかゆくしたり引っ掻いたりするのに多くの時間を費やしている場合は、イースト菌感染症にかかっている可能性があります.犬のイースト菌感染症は、皮膚のどこにでも発生する可能性があり、治療が難しいことが判明している一般的な状態です. この投稿では、犬のイースト菌感染症の症状を認識する方法、状態を治療する方法、および細菌感染症やアレルギー反応と区別する方法を学びます. プロのヒント: 皮膚の状態に対するペット保険の請求は、治療が侵襲性が低いため、他の病気よりも費用がかからない傾向があります。ただし、子犬は、真菌感染を制御し、かゆみを軽減するために継続的な