ラブラドール レトリーバー犬種ガイド:特徴、歴史、ケア
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ボクサーは、忠誠心、カリスマ性、知性で知られています。アメリカン ケネル クラブによって認められた最初の品種の 1 つであるボクサーは、今日最も人気のある品種の 1 つであり、AKC のリストで 10 位にランクされています。



プロのヒント: 犬の所有者は、ペット保険に加入することで、対象となる獣医の請求書の最大 90% を払い戻すことができます。ボクサーの健康保険プランを比較して、あなたの最愛のペットが生涯にわたって優れた獣医ケアにアクセスできることを知って安心してください。



ボクサーはずんぐりした筋肉質の犬です。女性のボクサーの体重は 50 ~ 65 ポンドで、身長は 21 ~ 25 インチですが、男性の体重は 65 ~ 80 ポンドで、成長すると約 25 インチになります。


ボクサーは適度なシェダーで、短いコートにはフォーン、ブリンドル、ホワイトの 3 つのカラーバリエーションがあります。彼らのマスクは通常黒ですが、品種の多くのメンバーには白い顔のマーキングと、足と胸に白いマーキングがあります.






ボクサーの平均寿命は10年から12年です。しかし、かなりの数の飼い主がペットをはるかに早く亡くし、最も一般的な原因は癌です。ジョージア大学の調査によると、80 を超える品種の 7 万頭の犬のうち、がんがボクサーの主要な死因であり、死亡の 45% 近くを占めています。

一方、一部のボクサー犬は、15歳に達すると報告されています.この品種のメンバーが 16 歳まで生きた例さえ記録されています。



ボクサーは、ほぼすべてのブルドッグ タイプの品種に関連しています。ボクサーは 16 世紀にヨーロッパで生まれましたが、この犬種は 19 世紀後半から 20 世紀初頭にかけてドイツで完成されました。

Boxers were originally used for dog-fighting but were later developed into hard-working and loyal dogs that were used as hunters, protectors, cattle dogs, war dogs, guide dogs for the blind, and police dogs.

The breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1904 but started to gain popularity in the US during the 1930s. Today, the breed ranks 10th on AKC’s list of most popular dog breeds.

Boxer Care


Early socialization and puppy classes are recommended in order to properly channel the breed’s energy. Boxers are very intelligent but can easily become bored with repetitive routines which may result in dangerous or destructive behaviors at home. They are also good at problem-solving but can sometimes be quite stubborn. Boxers enjoy participating in a number of canine activities including agility, herding, and obedience. They are also great as therapy, assistance, service, and police dogs.


As mentioned before, Boxers are very energetic and playful, so they require lots of daily exercise (be sure that your dog is always on a leash or in a securely fenced area). Being originally bred as wild game chasers, Boxers also like to jump and leap, especially when they’re small puppies. Their intelligent and curious nature also make them great candidates for mental exercise with puzzle toys, snuffle mats, and other games that require them to use their brains.


Boxers have a short coat that requires little grooming - a short brushing once or twice a week should be enough. They’re also clean dogs and only need baths occasionally. Their nails need to be trimmed about once a month and their teeth should be brushed frequently in order to prevent tartar buildup.


Boxers should be fed two or three cups of good-quality dog food twice a day, though their exact intake will be based on their activity level and size as determined by your boxer’s veterinarian. As a deep-chested breed, Boxers are anatomically predisposed to gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV or canine bloat), so you might want to provide an elevated food bowl so that your pup doesn't have to bend down to the floor to eat as this can minimize the amount of air being ingested with their food. Feeding two meals can help prevent your Boxer from eating too fast or too much, which can cause bloat. Additionally, try to limit playtime or exercise for 30 minutes before and after meals to reduce the risk of GDV.

Living environment

Boxers enjoy the company of their owners and don’t like being left outside alone. In addition, exposure to outside temperatures for longer periods of time isn’t healthy for them. Due to the relatively thin coat, the breed has poor tolerance to heat and cold.

In hot weather, Boxers kept outside are vulnerable to breathing issues, dehydration, and heatstroke. When it's very hot outside (over approximately 85 degrees Fahrenheit) limit your boxers time outside to the early mornings and evenings if possible and avoid strenuous outdoor exercise. In cold weather, when the temperature falls below freezing, be sure to provide a warm coat or fleece and booties for your dog to keep them warm while exercising outdoors.


Boxer common health issues

Like all dog breeds, Boxers are prone to certain health issues, including genetic diseases like arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, a congenital heart disease that’s usually fatal.

Other genetic medical conditions that commonly affect the breed include:

  • Degenerative myelopathy, a progressive disease of the spinal cord in senior dogs
  • 大動脈弁狭窄症
  • 股関節形成不全
  • 肘の異形成

Responsible breeders will screen their breeding dogs for genetic abnormalities and try to breed only animals who are healthy and less likely to carry these heritable diseases. Always ask to see veterinary screening certificates for a puppy’s parents and grandparents before you buy a Boxer from a breeder.

Other health conditions affecting Boxer dogs include:

  • Cancers, including lymphoma, hemangiosarcoma, and mast cell tumors
  • GDV, which sometimes results in stomach torsion
  • 甲状腺機能低下症
  • Skin allergies

Boxers belong to the brachycephalic breed class, which means that their flat face and wrinkled snout can cause breathing difficulties, especially during hot weather.

プロのヒント: Boxers do have their share of health problems, which is why it’s a good idea to sign your Boxer up for pet insurance while they are still a puppy.

Where to adopt or buy a Boxer

If you’re thinking about welcoming a Boxer into your family, start by contacting the American Boxer Club for reputable breeder referrals and listings of Boxer rescues throughout the States.

Be sure to conduct thorough research before you get a Boxer to make sure the breed is right for you.

If you’re interested in similar breeds, consider looking into Cane Corso, Boston Terrier, and Bullmastiff. You should also consider the many different Boxer mixes, including:

  • The Boxer Pitbull Mix (Bullboxer)
  • The Boxer Labrador Mix (Boxador)
  • The Great Dane Boxer Mix (Boxane)
  • The Boxer Beagle Mix (Bogle)
  • The Mastiff Boxer Mix (Boxmas)

Key Takeaways

  • Boxers are big and muscular dogs who look quite imposing but are actually very loyal, affectionate, and intelligent.
  • With minimal grooming needs and well-known gentleness with kids, the Boxer makes a perfect companion and an excellent family pet, as long as you provide them with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.
  • Being originally bred for dog-fighting, Boxers are very strong and courageous and are widely used as service dogs in the police and military, as well as search-and-rescue work.
  • Like all breeds, Boxers are prone to certain health issues like cancer, bloat, hip dysplasia, etc.
  • Finding a boxer puppy or adult dog can be easy, but be careful of puppy mills and internet scams.


2013年に登録された「ワーキングブリード」カテゴリの16,456匹の犬のうち、最も人気があったのはボクサーでした。 4003が登録され、2番目に高いDogue de Bordeauxを1600以上上回っています。登録されている使役犬の数のほぼ4分の1を占めるボクサーの極端な人気の理由は、その陽気な、外向的な性格とその熱意です。学び、喜ばせてください。 重要な事実 サイズ 大規模な運動要件 2時間以上コートの長さ 短い寿命 11〜14歳 パーソナリティとトレーニング ずんぐりしたパワフルな体に騙されないでください。ボクサーは絶対的な恋人であり、上手に育てれば、これまで出会う可能性が最も

フレンチ ブルドッグの品種ガイド:特徴、歴史、ケア

フレンチブルドッグを飼おうと思っていますか? AKC によると、フレンチ ブルドッグ (Frenchies としても知られています) は、米国で 6 番目に人気のある犬種です。大きなコウモリの耳と愛らしいしわのある顔を持つこれらの珍しい犬は、可愛くて遊び心があり、多くの家族に歓迎されています. フレンチ ブルドッグのペット保険に入る フレンチ ブルドッグの成長と体重のグラフを見る しかし、フレンチ・ブルドッグの完全なプロファイルは、品種間で非常に一般的であり、しばしば治療に費用がかかる特定の健康問題を明らかにします.前もって計画を立て、最高のペットの親になるために、フレンチ ブルドッグの事実