ゴールデン レトリバーの品種ガイド:歴史、特徴、ケア
オーストラリアン シェパードの品種ガイド:歴史、特徴、ケア
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  • シーズーの特徴
    • 身体的特徴
    • 気質と性格
    • 平均寿命
  • シーズーケアのヒント
    • トレーニングとエクササイズ
    • グルーミング
    • 食事と栄養
    • シーズーと暮らす
  • シーズーの一般的な健康問題
  • シーズー犬の引き取りまたは購入
  • 重要ポイント

プロのヒント: 新しい四本足の家族を考えている場合は、家に持ち帰る品種に関係なく、ペット保険の価値を考慮する必要があります.シーズー犬に遺伝的に関連する健康状態がいくつかありますが、事故はいつでもどこでも発生する可能性があり、予期せぬ獣医の請求につながる可能性があり、補償がなければ最大 5,000 ドルかかる可能性があります。



平均して、成犬のシーズーの体重は9 ~ 16 ポンド、身長は 8 ~ 11 インチです。 .これは、この犬種がおもちゃサイズのカテゴリーに分類されることを意味します。これは、中型、大型、および超大型犬の品種よりも小さいです。


シーズーは短頭症です 犬 、これは、鼻と上顎が大幅に短縮された犬歯を表すために使用される用語です。この状態は、丸い頭、目立つ目、短いマズル、目立つアンダーバイトなど、この品種の特徴をいくつか生み出します。


シーズーは、明るく元気な気質で知られています .彼らはとても友好的で、通常は子供や他のペットと仲良くなります。彼らは、公園でハイキングをしたり、単に膝の上に座ったりすることを意味する場合でも、人間と一緒にいることを楽しんでいます.



シーズー犬の平均寿命は 12 歳から 16 歳です 、平均年齢14歳。この品種のほとんどのメンバーは 10 代前半まで生き、9 歳から 10 歳でシニア犬と見なされます。一般的に言えば、小型犬は大型犬よりも長生きする傾向があり、シーズーは犬の世界で最も長い寿命の 1 つを楽しむことができます。

豆知識:記録上最高齢のシーズーはスモーキーという名前で、23 歳まで生きました!



シーズーの気質は友好的で従順であることが多いですが、従順な訓練と初期の社会化の恩恵を受けています。 As with all dogs, consistency, patience, and positive reinforcements are helpful when training your pup.

Shih Tzus can be difficult to housebreak and may need indoor supervision for some time. Experts also recommend crate training, which can be especially helpful when you travel.

Because they were bred as lapdog companions, Shih Tzus only require minimal exercise — a short, daily walk or some indoor playtime should be enough to satisfy their need for physical activity.


Shih Tzus have a double coat that requires a fair amount of grooming, especially at long lengths. With long hair, even one day without brushing can turn their coat into a tangled mess. Perhaps that explains why most long-haired Shih Tzus are seen in the show ring, and owners typically prefer their pets to sport a lower-maintenance short clip. A shorter coat also helps prevent heat stroke in dogs by helping them stay cool.

These dogs need weekly baths but make sure to comb out any tangles before bathing and blow-dry the coat afterward to keep your pet from getting chilled. The nails should be trimmed every one to two weeks and the teeth should be brushed daily with a vet-approved pet toothpaste. Don’t forget about the eyes, as well. Wash the area around the eyes using a wet cotton ball, dog eye wipes, or a soft washcloth to minimize staining.

Do Shih Tzus shed?

Potential pet parents sometimes ask if Shih Tzus are “hypoallergenic” , non-shedding dogs if someone in the household suffers from allergies. While it’s true that people are less likely to have allergic reactions to this breed , it’s important to know that they’re not entirely allergen-free.

Shih Tzu dogs are one of several breeds that have human-like hair, rather than fur. And, just like humans, they will shed their hair every day. The difference is that the long strands of shed hair get caught within the coat, then brushed out with grooming. Therefore, the dander on Shih Tzus that typically triggers allergic reactions in people stays trapped , rather than released in the environment then falling onto the ground, furniture, or clothing.

This is true of most mature breed members, but as younger pups develop, pet parents often wonder "Why is my Shih Tzu puppy shedding so much?" Around nine to 12 months of age, the Shih Tzu coat evolves from a puppy stage with short, thin hair into a thicker adult coat. During this three-week period, Shih Tzus shed very profusely due to the increased volume of hair and require more thorough brushing.



As small breed dogs, Shih Tzus only need up to one cup of dry dog food a day , divided into two or three meals. Because they’re not high-energy dogs, these tiny pups are prone to weight gain, so be sure to limit the number of treats you offer. Your veterinarian will recommend the proper meal and snack portions for your pet at each stage of development based on their unique needs and medical history.

You can nourish your pet’s luxurious coat from the inside out through a protein-rich diet balanced with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids . Quality nutrition will also help optimize muscle and joint health, as well as their overall wellbeing.

Don’t forget to keep your dog’s bowl filled with fresh water throughout the day; Shih Tzu dogs have higher heat sensitivity than other breeds, so they might be more thirsty than usual.

Living with Shih Tzus

Shih Tzus love apartment living and could be a great choice for pet parents who are limited in space. They require little exercise but be especially careful with physical activity in hot, humid weather. Brachycephalic dog breeds are more prone to heat stroke because their shortened muzzle inhibits their ability to cool themselves off efficiently.

As born lapdogs, Shih Tzus typically need a lot of attention. They thrive on human company and enjoy training because it makes them the center of attention. When these needs are unmet, you might find them to act out through excessive barking or destructive behavior around the house.

Shih Tzus are great with children and will readily extend their affection to strangers. However, don’t count on your pet Shih Tzu to guard the home; they’d probably give intruders a very warm welcome.

Common Shih Tzu health issues

Due to their undershot jaw, Shih Tzus frequently experience oral health problems such as misaligned or missing teeth. In some cases, they may not lose their baby teeth before their permanent teeth come in, which might require a vet visit for extraction.

Their prominent eyes also make Shih Tzus more prone to issues such as cataracts, retinal detachment, corneal dryness, and progressive retinal atrophy. They’re a generally healthy dog breed, but as with any other breed, there are certain health conditions owners should be aware of, such as:

  • 股関節形成不全
  • Patellar luxation
  • 耳の感染症
  • Umbilical hernia (a condition caused by incomplete closure of the umbilical ring after birth)
  • Portosystemic liver shunt (an abnormal vessel that allows blood from the intestine to bypass the liver)

プロのヒント: Shih Tzu health insurance is designed to provide a financial safety net should your pet ever encounter a hereditary condition, common illness, or accidental injury. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing your canine companion has access to the gold-standard veterinary care they deserve, with less stress placed on your personal finances.


Shih Tzu breed history

Historically, Shih Tzus were bred as house pets and in the 14th century, they made their way into Chinese royalty. The Chinese royals did not allow Shih Tzus to be traded outside of the nobility until 1930 when the first members of the breed were brought to Europe. The breed arrived in the States after WWII and was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1969.

Adopting or buying a Shih Tzu dog

Organizations like American Shih Tzu Club and Shih Tzu Rescue can inform you about rescue opportunities and provide breeder referrals. You can also check local animal shelters and see if there are any Shih Tzu rescues in your area.

If you are interested in dog breeds similar to Shih Tzus, consider checking out the Maltese, Lhasa Apso, Bolognese, and Silky Terrier. There are also many popular Shih Tzu mixed breeds, such as the:

  • Shih Tzu-Poodle (Shoodle)
  • Shih Tzu-Maltese (Malt-Tzu)
  • Shih Tzu-Yorkie (Shorkie)
  • Shih Tzu-Chihuahuas (Shichi)

Whether you’re buying a Shih Tzu puppy or rescuing an adult, be sure to take your pet to your vet as soon as possible. Your vet will be able to spot any issues and will work with you to set up a preventive pet care regimen and a nutrition plan that suits your pet’s needs.


  • Exceptionally playful and friendly, Shih Tzus make affectionate and loyal companions for families with children.
  • These cute dogs require extra grooming and a little more patience with training, but their affection and loving nature make it all worthwhile.
  • In general, Shih Tzus are a healthy breed, but they can have a disposition towards certain health conditions like hip dysplasia, as well as eye, ear, and respiratory problems. Should you notice anything out of the ordinary, be sure to discuss your concerns with your vet.


この記事の内容 特性 品種の歴史 トレーニングとケア 健康上の問題 食事と栄養 採用または購入する場所 品種の概要 さらなる調査 シー・ズーは小さいけれど丈夫な犬で、青々とした長い二重の髪の毛をしています。この品種の警戒心、自信、遊び心、勇気ある態度は、トイドッグ愛好家の間で人気があります。シー・ズーは古代の品種であり、貴族のラップドッグとして長い歴史があります。 適切に訓練され、世話をされると、シー・ズーは素晴らしい仲間を作ることができます。その小さなサイズは、この品種をアパートや小さな生活空間に理想的なものにします。いびきやいびきに備えてください。シー・ズーは、頭の形と短い「滑らかな

フレンチ ブルドッグの品種ガイド:特徴、歴史、ケア

フレンチブルドッグを飼おうと思っていますか? AKC によると、フレンチ ブルドッグ (Frenchies としても知られています) は、米国で 6 番目に人気のある犬種です。大きなコウモリの耳と愛らしいしわのある顔を持つこれらの珍しい犬は、可愛くて遊び心があり、多くの家族に歓迎されています. フレンチ ブルドッグのペット保険に入る フレンチ ブルドッグの成長と体重のグラフを見る しかし、フレンチ・ブルドッグの完全なプロファイルは、品種間で非常に一般的であり、しばしば治療に費用がかかる特定の健康問題を明らかにします.前もって計画を立て、最高のペットの親になるために、フレンチ ブルドッグの事実