犬の費用はいくらですか? (2022価格ガイド)
犬の避妊去勢手術や避妊去勢手術にはどれくらいの費用がかかりますか? 2022年価格ガイド
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  • 犬の去勢手術と避妊手術の違いは何ですか?
  • 犬の去勢手術にはいくらかかりますか?
  • 犬の避妊手術にはいくらかかりますか?
  • サイズが犬の避妊費用に与える影響
  • 犬の去勢/避妊手術の利点
  • 犬の避妊・去勢時期
  • 動物病院と低料金の診療所
  • 重要ポイント

プロのヒント: ペット保険のウェルネス プランは、犬の避妊去勢手術や避妊手術の費用だけでなく、寄生虫の駆除やワクチン接種などのペットの基本的なケアの費用をカバーするのに役立ちます。



どちらの処置も麻酔下で行われ、通常は 1 時間もかかりません。 若くて健康な子犬にとってリスクは最小限であり、数日以内に正常に戻ることが期待されます.


去勢手術は、獣医がペットの陰嚢の近くを切開し、睾丸を取り除く外科的処置です。 犬の避妊手術の費用は 35 ドルから 350 ドルです 平均して、ペットの年齢と品種、場所、選択した獣医クリニックの種類、動物に既往症があるかどうかによって異なります。





多くの変数がありますが、犬の避妊手術の平均的な費用は 50 ドルから 500 ドルです .避妊手術は去勢手術よりも複雑な手術であるため、費用がかかります。 In private vet offices, the surgery involves putting your pet under anesthesia, monitoring her while she’s under and after the procedure, as well as all the bloodwork required.

If the procedure is more complicated than expected (for instance, if your pup is older or has a pre-existing condition and needs extra blood tests before surgery), that could add an additional $100 - $200 to the cost.

Many vets treat the cost of neutering or spaying on a case-by-case basis because every dog is unique. Talk to your vet in advance to make sure you understand the procedure and what’s included in the cost.

プロのヒント: Pet insurance is an excellent way to care for your doggy. While most traditional pet insurance plans won’t cover neutering and spaying, many companies offer wellness plans which can help you pay for routine and preventative vet bills.

How size impacts the cost of spaying a dog

Simply put, bigger dogs require more anesthesia, more surgery time, more time to clip the surgical area, more suture materials, more pain medication, etc. That’s why spaying or neutering a large breed dog like Great Dane will likely cost more than performing the same procedure on a smaller dog like Chihuahua. However, some clinics charge a flat rate for all dogs regardless of their size.

Benefits of spaying/neutering your dog

Neutering or spaying your dog comes with a number of advantages. Here are some of the most important ones:

Medical benefits

Spayed female dogs live longer, healthier lives. Spaying helps prevent mammary tumors and uterine infections, whereas neutering prevents testicular cancer and prostate issues in male dogs.

Behavioral benefits

Spayed female dogs won’t go into heat and male pets will be less likely to escape from home looking for a mate. If the dog roams free, he risks being injured or even getting lost. In addition, unneutered dogs have a tendency to mark their territory by spraying urine all over the house. Some aggression issues might also be avoided by early neutering and your dog may be less likely to mount other dogs, objects, or people after he’s been neutered.

Reducing the number of homeless dogs

Canines have a natural inclination to breed and without neutering and spaying, there would be a pet overpopulation. Oftentimes, pet parents can’t afford to keep a whole litter of puppies and as a result, they abandon unwanted litters or turn them over to the shelter. Abandoned puppies often die of malnourishment or car accidents. Puppies in animal shelters can’t always be placed and in that case, they need to be euthanized.


When to spay or neuter a dog

The standard age for neutering is six to nine months, but puppies as young as eight weeks old can be neutered as long as they are healthy. Female dogs usually go into their first heat at six months of age , so it’s recommended to spay them prior to that first heat. If some situations it may be beneficial to spay or neuter later so be sure to discuss timing of these procedures with your veterinarian.

Dogs can also be spayed or neutered as adults, but the risk of post-surgery complications is a bit higher in older pups, as well as those that have health issues, and overweight dogs.

Veterinary hospitals vs. low-cost clinics

The decision whether to perform these procedures in a vet hospital or a neuter and spay clinic will depend on your financial situation and the level of comfort you want for your pet.

Ideally, your regular vet would be the best choice for the neutering or spaying procedure as they know your pet best and understand all the factors that should be considered prior to the surgery.

However, if you decide to seek help elsewhere, you can still get professional care at a reputable low-cost clinic. Nowadays, veterinarians and staff at low-cost clinics are highly trained and experienced, as they do high volumes of neuter and spay surgeries (30 to 50 per day).


  • Spaying/neutering is a surgical procedure where a vet will remove a dog’s reproductive organs. In female dogs, the vet will remove the uterus and ovaries, whereas in male dogs, the vet will remove the testicles.
  • Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, sterilization can also avoid a variety of health issues and behavioral problems.
  • Vet clinics usually recommend neutering or spaying puppies when they’re about six to nine months old.
  • Neuter/spay surgery can cost between $35 and $500, depending on the vet clinic, where you live, your dog’s size and age, etc.
  • If you have any questions or concerns related to these procedures, your vet can provide all the necessary information and help you decide what’s right for your dog.


盲導犬の費用を聞くと、ほとんどの人の顎が床に落ちます。 質問: 「盲導犬の費用はいくらですか?」 回答:「 $ 40,000 – $ 60,000″ ワウザー!それは広大な範囲であり、非常に高価です! それでは、これをもう少し詳しく調べて、盲導犬にとって何が、なぜそんなに費用がかかるのかを掘り下げることができるかどうかを見てみましょう。 まず、米国の盲導犬学校のいくつかを見て、盲導犬を訓練するのにかかる費用についてより良いアイデアを得ることができるかどうかを見てみましょう。 盲導犬の費用はいくらですか? 盲導犬: $ 48,000 砂漠のガイドドッグ: $ 40,00


あなたは犬の養子縁組を考えています-なんてエキサイティングなことでしょう!あなたの新しい毛皮のような友人をあなたの家に迎え入れることに伴うすべての詳細を考えることは圧倒される可能性があるので、それらのすべての費用を集計する場所を持つことは非常に役立ちます。あなたは正しい場所にいます!犬の養子縁組からすべての物資の購入まで、獣医の診察から病気になった場合の薬まで、ここで費用の内訳を確認し、どのくらいのお金を使うかを知ることができます。この記事の内容は次のとおりです。 犬の養子縁組にかかるおおよその費用には、次のものが含まれます。 養子縁組費用 獣医の訪問 食料品、犬用ベッド、おもちゃ、応急