COVID-19 パンデミックによる経済的影響の後、誰もが減税を利用することができました。ペットの子育てはフルタイムの仕事のように感じるかもしれませんが、ペットを扶養家族として申告することはできませんが、できる場合があります。 ペットの費用を償却できる 特定の基準を満たしていれば、苦労して稼いだお金をより多くポケットに入れておくことができます。
2022 年のペット税控除の申請について知っておくべきことはすべてここにあります :
特定の状況でのみペットの税金を請求できます 介助動物と事業所得に一般的に適用されます。資格のあるペットにはさまざまな税額控除があり、次のようなペットの費用を帳消しにすることができます:
以下は、2022 年に対象となる可能性のある最も一般的な 5 つのペット税控除です。 .税目的でペットを請求する際の最善のアドバイスについては、会計士に相談してください。
ほとんどの人は納税申告書でペットの医療費を控除することはできませんが、スケジュール A (フォーム 1040) を使用して、課税年度中に支払われた調整総収入の 7.5% を超える医療費を控除することができます。したがって、ペットが医療関係であなたを助けたり、特定のサービスを提供したりする場合、ペットを税金で請求できる場合があります.
たとえば、体が不自由で介助動物に頼っている人は、犬を適格な医療費として請求できる場合があります。 .次のような特定のサービスを提供する犬のペット費用のみを償却できます。
場合によっては、感情支援動物税控除を請求して、犬に税金を申告することができます。 .ただし、すべてのペットが感情的なサポートを提供する可能性がありますが、すべてのペットが感情的なサポート アニマル (ESA) に該当するわけではありませんことに注意してください。 、別名セラピー犬です。
納税申告書で介助犬を請求するには、診断された精神的または身体的ニーズの治療に愛犬が役立つことを証明できる必要があります。 .介助動物または補助動物が必要であることの証明として、医師からのメモを用意してください。
あなたが事業主である場合、あなたのビジネスにサービスを提供するペットに対して税額控除を受けることができるかもしれません.この場合、事業費控除を申請することになります 、そのため、ペットを飼う費用が運営に必要な部分であることを証明できる必要があります。 .
For example, you might be able to claim a deduction if you rely on a cat to protect your business from pests, or take a deduction for dogs working on your farm to protect livestock from prey.
If you want to claim pets as a business expense , hold on to all your receipts related to their caretaking. Examples of expenses you can write off include food and veterinarian costs. You should also keep a record of how much time the animal spends at your business.
If your pets perform in some way that earns you income, you may be able to claim them (and their related costs) as a business expense . For example, some people ride horses as a hobby, but if you perform by riding a horse and make an income from it, the IRS might consider the cost of caring for that horse as a qualified business expense .
If your dog appears in commercials, television shows, movies, or print advertisements, they could also be considered part of a business venture . The same could be true if your cat is the star of your monetized YouTube channel, in which case they may qualify for influencer tax write-offs .
Just be sure to keep accurate records of every expense related to your pet and the activity that earns income . This might include the money you spend on monthly pet insurance premiums as a means to protect your business investment.
If you foster animals, you might be able to get a tax break on your income return. Every expense made on caring for foster animals could be deducted as charitable donations, so long as the animals are from a qualified nonprofit organization.
Most nonprofits will pay for the cost of food and veterinary care for the animals you foster, but any necessity you pay for out-of-pocket is a tax-deductbile pet expense.
If you volunteer at animal shelters or rescue organizations, you may be able to deduct fuel costs , so keep track of your mileage. Note that this pet tax deduction only applies to driving done in service to the organization’s mission, not to your commute.
Finally, you may be able to claim pet expenses on taxes if you spent money transferring them to a new home in 2021. However, you can only write off pet expenses related to moves that meet certain conditions established by the IRS:
In order to claim your dog or cat on a tax return, rather than taking a standard deduction, you’ll need to write off pet expenses as itemized deductions .
When most people file their taxes, they take the standard deduction , a pre-set number (updated annually) that the IRS allows you to deduct from your taxable income without any questions asked. When filing in 2022 for the 2021 tax year , the standard tax deduction that you can claim based on your filing status is:
Alternatively, you can also itemize deductions by adding up the dollar amount of each qualified expense in 2021. That’s how you can claim pets on taxes, including their vet bills, pet insurance, food supplies, and more. Just remember to keep receipts on record to support every pet expense you claim, as well as proof that your pet is tax deductible , to safeguard against an IRS audit.
However, if all of your itemized deductions from the 2021 tax year don’t amount to much, you’re probably better off taking the standard deduction versus claiming your pet on a return .
If you think the amount that you can write off in pet expenses (in addition to all other tax deductions you may qualify for) is greater than the standard deduction, then it’s worth calculating the total amount, so you can get the biggest tax break possible. We recommend talking to a professional for help.
No, pets are not considered dependents for tax purposes.
Veterinary bills, pet insurance, food, supplies, training, grooming, boarding, and transportation costs are all examples of pet expenses you can write off on taxes. However, you can only claim pets on taxes if they meet certain criteria, such as contributing to income or serving a medical need. Talk to a professional to see if you can file your dog or cat on your taxes.
Yes, pet medical expenses are tax-deductible for pets that are classified as service animals or working animals. You might also be able to claim vet bills on taxes for pets you foster, provided that the nonprofit organization you work for is registered with the IRS and has not reimbursed you for the service.
If you’re looking for a way to get reimbursed for your family pet’s medical expenses, pet insurance is a great tool that can help reduce veterinary expenses in the future.
Most of the pet deductions people typically think of — such as claiming vet bills on taxes or writing off pet insurance — are actually eligible write-offs for those that qualify. However, many taxpayers are surprised to find they can’t claim a pet on a tax return due to the classification of the animal, or lack of sufficient proof required to support the pet deduction. Others are surprised to learn that you can’t claim pets as dependents on taxes.
For services animals, the The IRS explains that the animal will likely have to be trained and/or certified to help treat a diagnosed illness or condition — and you may need a doctor's note describing the medical necessity. For a working animal, you'll likely have to prove that the animal is "ordinary and necessary" in your line of business.
Always check with a tax professional, but it looks like if your dog or cat is the star of a monetized YouTube channel, for example, they might be classified as a performance animal. In which case expenses related to your pet and the activity that earns income could be eligible for influencer tax write-offs.
Always consult a tax professional, but generally, people determine if their itemized deductions exceed the standard deduction amount before deciding to itemize.
If you had to move for work, those moving expenses (including any involved in transporting your pet) could be eligible for a deduction, such as professional carrier services, transportable crates, lodging fees, etc.
Two big ones. (1) Preventive/routine care appointments play a major role in helping health issues before they get too expensive, so please schedule regular vet appointments. (2) Pet insurance is a great way to hedge the financial risk of unexpected accidents, illnesses, and emergencies — and there are no health networks to worry about. Pet insurance can reimburse you for up to 100% or more of the vet bill after your annual deductible is met, which can be a literal life (and wallet) saver, as serious health issues can easily cost thousands to treat.
歯科疾患は、ほとんどの猫にとって現実のものです。専門家によると、何らかの歯の問題を経験せずに一生を終える猫は約 10% にすぎません .ただし、猫は症状を隠すのに優れているため、所有者がペットの不快感や痛みの最小の兆候でさえ検出するのは難しい場合があります. 幼い頃から適切な歯科治療を確立することは、ペットの健康と幸福を維持するために重要です。歯肉炎などの病気を予防するだけでなく、猫の全体的な生活の質を改善します。 この投稿では、猫のデンタルケアの重要性について話し、最適化するためのヒントを提供します. 猫にはデンタルケアが必要ですか? 猫のデンタルケアが重要な理由 猫の口腔の健康状態を