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歯科疾患は、ほとんどの猫にとって現実のものです。専門家によると、何らかの歯の問題を経験せずに一生を終える猫は約 10% にすぎません .ただし、猫は症状を隠すのに優れているため、所有者がペットの不快感や痛みの最小の兆候でさえ検出するのは難しい場合があります.



  • 猫にはデンタルケアが必要ですか?
  • 猫のデンタルケアが重要な理由
  • 猫の口腔の健康状態をチェックするにはどうすればよいですか?
  • 必要な猫のデンタルケア製品は?
  • 猫の自宅でのデンタルケアのヒント
  • 猫の歯の問題を予防するその他の方法
  • 猫のデンタルケアはどこで受けられますか?
  • 猫のデンタルケアにはいくらかかりますか?


はい、人間と同じように、猫も歯周病、歯垢の蓄積、口臭、歯の膿瘍にかかりやすい .デンタルケアを怠ると、これらすべてが口腔感染症、歯周病、または歯の喪失や虫歯につながる可能性があります .

これらの問題は 4 歳以上の猫の 50% - 90% が歯の病気にかかる .ペットに適切な食事とデンタルケアを提供することは、これらの問題に対処するのに役立ちます。


猫は本能的に自分の苦しみを隠すため、猫が歯の問題を抱えていることに気付くまでに時間がかかる場合があります 捕食者に対して無防備に見えないように。これは、特に口腔衛生に関して、ペットに反応的ではなく予防的な健康習慣を確立する必要性を強調しています.

3 歳以上の猫 10 匹中 8 匹が歯と歯茎に問題を抱えています .ネコ科の動物は、食べ物を食べた結果、歯の表面に細菌や歯垢が発生することがよくあります。この細菌層は最終的に硬化して歯石になり、歯茎を刺激して猫の歯肉炎(一般に歯周病として知られている)を引き起こす可能性があります.重度の場合、場合によっては歯を失うこともあります。猫は歯石の蓄積がひどく修復不可能な場合、痛みを和らげるために抜歯が必要になることがよくあります。

口が痛くなったり炎症を起こしたりすると、猫は食べたり飲んだりするのが難しくなり、細菌が血流に入り、腎臓やその他の重要な臓器に害を及ぼすことさえあります .ペットの最も一般的な健康状態の 1 つである歯周病は、6 歳以上の猫の推定 85% に影響を与え、歯、歯茎、および歯を所定の位置に維持する支持組織が徐々に劣化することを特徴としています。

幸いなことに、猫の歯周病のほとんどの症例は、ペットの口腔の健康を守るためにいくつかの予防策を講じることで回避できます.これには、自宅での継続的なペットのデンタルケアと、獣医での年 1 回の猫の歯のクリーニングの両方が必要です。


According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), cats should receive their first dental cleaning by the time they are one year old and once every year thereafter. Some cat breeds may require more frequent cleanings, particularly if they have shallow roots or crowded teeth. Older cats and indoor cats are also more susceptible to dental issues and may require more frequent cleanings.

Brushing your cat's teeth and gums on a daily basis (or at least three times a week) is essential for their oral health . It's a good idea to socialize kittens to this process while they’re young, because adult cats can be rather reluctant to have their teeth cleaned.

How can I check my cat's oral health?

You should frequently examine the condition inside your cat’s mouth, even if they might not particularly appreciate the experience. If they appear to be highly agitated or if you find it impossible to carefully inspect their mouth, be sure to take your pet to the vet for regular oral exams.

The teeth of a healthy cat should be white and clean. Healthy kitten gums shouldn’t display any inflammation, redness, or bleeding. Inspect the rear of your pet’s mouth for sores, swelling, lesions, or ulcers, and ensure that their breath doesn’t smell bad.

Signs of poor cat teeth health

Be sure to monitor your cat for these crucial warning signals between visits to the vet:

  • Visible tooth discoloration (tartar)
  • 口臭
  • 歯ぐきの赤み、腫れ、出血
  • Exposed tooth roots
  • Drooling and difficulty swallowing
  • Pawing the teeth or mouth
  • Grooming less frequently
  • 食事が困難
  • 食欲不振
  • 減量

If you notice any of the above, it could indicate an illness in the cat’s mouth or elsewhere in the body. Continuous poor breath may be a sign of serious periodontal disease that has to be treated before the infection spreads to the heart, kidney, or liver through the cat’s bloodstream. It could also result in nutritional deficiencies if your cat develops food avoidance due to pain.

What dental care products do I need for a cat?


Be sure that you have all the necessary tools before starting your cat's teeth-brushing routine. Both pet shops and veterinary offices sell complete cat dentistry kits:

  • Cat toothbrush. You’ll want a toothbrush that’s made specifically for the feline anatomy. As you first learn how to brush your cat’s teeth, you may want to start with dental gauze wrapped around your finger. After your cat is comfortable with your hand in their mouth, you can get them accustomed to bristles by switching to a finger brush and then working your way up to a toothbrush.
  • Cat toothpaste. Fluoride-free cat toothpaste is widely available and usually flavored with chicken or beef. Look for enzymatic formulas to kill the bacteria in your cat’s mouth known to cause disease.
  • Dental gel. For cats adverse to the consistency or flavor of toothpaste, dental gels are less thick and can be applied directly to your finger, then rubbed onto teeth to break down plaque residing on the surface.
  • Oral rinses and sprays . These products can be applied to the inside of your pet's cheek or along the gum line using a piece of gauze for less invasive oral care, but often with less effective results.
  • Water additives . Simply mix the recommended dosage into your cat’s water bowl to improve their oral hygiene whenever they hydrate. Some products can also be used as food toppers which may benefit cats who rarely drink from their water bowl.
  • Daily supplements . Dental supplements typically come in a powder form that you can sprinkle directly on top of your cat’s food. Some formulas may provide anti-inflammatory pain relief for cats with gum disease or feline stomatitis.
  • Dental food. Vets often recommend specific diets for dental disease in cats that help slow the development of bacteria and plaque. The formulas usually contain larger food pieces that encourage chewing or biting, which produces an abrasive action that cleans teeth.
  • Dental treats . These have enzymes and other additives that fight bacteria and de-mineralize plaque and tartar. They’re typically soft in texture and made with tasty ingredients that make them especially appealing to pets. Be sure that your cat’s treat consumption does not exceed 10% of their daily caloric intake.
  • Dental chews or toys . The best dental toys for cats are sufficiently abrasive to remove plaque when your cat chews on them, but not too hard that they risk damaging teeth or injuring their mouth. They also help in ensuring healthy kitten gums. This is advantageous since it helps shield your feline friend from gum infections and conditions.

What are the best cat dental care products?

We have compiled this list of best products for cat dental care in consultation with expert veterinarians. We also looked to the American Animal Hospital Association's dental care recommendations as well as the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC), an organization that oversees and certifies pet dental products.

Best toothbrushes for cats

The size of a cat's mouth makes it difficult to properly wash their teeth. That’s why the toothbrush you choose for your four-legged friend should be small, with soft bristles, and easy to maneuver in order to reach the back teeth, like the Virbac CET Pet Toothbrush.

Best toothpaste for cats

The only cat toothpaste with a VOHC seal of approval is Healthymouth's topical gel. Instead of using a toothbrush, the manufacturer advises using the cotton-tipped applicators that come with the gel.

Best oral sprays, rinses &gels for toothbrush alternatives

VOHC recommends the Healthymouth Topical Spray and Healthymouth Water Additive which comes in several different flavors. Other products that can be used as toothbrush alternatives include cat-safe dental wipes like the Essential Healthymouth's Anti-Plaque Daily Topical Wipes, which are not currently available for purchase.

Best dental diets, treats, and supplements for cats

Veterinary-formulated cat kibble is available from pet food manufacturers including Hill's Pet Nutrition and Royal Canin. This food kills oral germs and polishes a cat's teeth while it is being consumed. A veterinarian must issue a prescription for these foods.

VOHC recommends the following diets:

  • Hill's Prescription Diet Feline
  • Science Diet Oral Care for Cats
  • Healthy Advantage ™ Oral+ for Cats
  • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets (PPVD) Feline Formula Dry Cat Food
  • Royal Canin Feline Dental Diet

The VOHC recommends the following cat dental treats for the reduction of tartar:

  • Feline Greenies Dental Treats
  • WHISKAS Dentabites Cat Treats with Chicken
  • Purina DentaLife Cat Treats
  • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets OM Crunchy Bites Cat Treats

Best dental chews for cats

Some experts claim that dental chew toys are not the best toothbrush alternative because of the fact that cats often don't chew on their toys and typically only use their canine teeth while hunting and playing. However, if you still decide to invest in such a toy, consider the Petstages Catnip Toy Dental Chews and the Orkakat Catnip Wiggle Worm Kitten Teething Toy.

At-home dental care tips for cats

It’s easy to care for your feline's oral hygiene if you introduce it while they’re young and make it a consistent part of your daily routine — but it’s never too late to get started if you haven’t already. Keep these tips in mind and consult your veterinarian for the best advice.

How to keep your cat's teeth clean

The best way to keep your cat’s teeth clean is with regular brushing . Daily toothbrushing is the gold standard in preventive dental care for cats, but make it a goal to do it every time you remember, and at least three times per week.

Many cats don't like having their lips touched, but patience and rewards — whether that may be treats, affection, or playtime with their favorite toy — might help ease them into the activity. And remember:the earlier, the better.

Note:Under no circumstances can cat teeth be cleaned with human toothpaste because many contain xylitol and large quantities of fluoride, which are both toxic to cats.

How to keep your cat's mouth clean

In addition to daily brushing, there are other steps you can take to keep your cat’s mouth clean, prevent bacterial infections, and promote their oral hygiene. From additives that you mix with water to supplements that get sprinkled on top of food , treats specially-formulated with enzymes , and prescription-grade food , you’ll have no shortage of options to choose between.

With respect to diets, most vets recommend feeding your cats a mixture of wet and dry food until they are older and can no longer tolerate kibble for optimal oral health. Wet food remains on the surface of teeth for longer, leading to the development of plaque and tartar, while dry food acts like a natural floss.

At your vet’s discretion, you might consider other natural cat dental care products to help keep your cat’s mouth in pristine condition. For example, some pet parents give their cats raw, uncooked bones as natural dental chews to break down tartar, but be sure to follow best practices for safe food handling whenever dealing with raw food.

Other ways to prevent cat dental problems

In addition to brushing your pet’s teeth and the above-mentioned brushing alternatives, you can take other actions to ensure that your four-legged friend keeps their teeth clean and healthy.

Nutritious diet

Similar to people, giving cats a nutritious, balanced diet will reduce their risk of developing dental issues . Your vet can offer particular advice for a diet that can improve your cat’s oral health . In addition, take a look at the dental support diets above that have received the Veterinary Oral Health Council's seal of approval (VOHC).

Avoid giving your feline friend sweet treats . Even though sugar is not toxic to them, it has no nutritional benefit and can erode enamel, causing tooth decay and even dental disease.

Annual dental checkups

Your cat has to get a dental checkup at least once a year, regardless of whether there are any signs of dental disease. Even though you should periodically examine your cat's teeth yourself, it is simple to overlook the kinds of warning signs of a disease that a skilled and knowledgeable veterinarian will spot. Compared to dental concerns that go undiagnosed and are allowed to worsen, dental issues that are discovered early are far simpler to address and resolve.

Routine teeth cleaning

Most dental exams will include a professional cat teeth cleaning. Blood tests are first performed to see if the patient is healthy enough to be sedated. If so, your veterinarian will put them under anesthesia and start a thorough cleaning that includes a full oral exam, X-rays to spot issues below the gum line, a thorough cleaning below the gum line to prevent periodontal disease, professional scaling to remove plaque and tartar buildup on the crown, and polishing the teeth to avoid plaque and bacteria accumulation.

Oral surgery for unhealthy cat teeth

Your veterinary dentist may recommend oral surgery for cats with poor dental hygiene, especially in cases where the animal needs an operation to extract broken, impacted, decaying, or resorbing teeth .

Oral surgery and tooth extractions may seem intimidating, particularly for older cats, but they usually recover quickly and resume eating normally. The advantages of treating disease and killing bacteria in the mouth exceed the disadvantages of delaying necessary dental operations .

Where to get cat dental care?

Search for a local veterinarian who offers dentistry to schedule your cat’s annual dental checkup and cleaning. You can also find affordable dental care for cats at veterinary schools and pop-up clinics in your area. In the event of an oral injury, such as a fractured tooth or puncture wound, an emergency animal hospital may be your best pet.

Do not take your cat anywhere that offers non-anesthetic dentisty for pets, as it is neither safe nor effective at treating dental disease.

How much does dental care for cats cost?

Cat dental care costs around $20 to $50 for at-home supplies , but annual oral exams and teeth cleanings can cost upwards of $400 at a professional veterinary dentist. Prices increase significantly when dental issues are present. For instance, for a tooth extraction that involves anesthetic, X-rays, medicine, hospitalization, and surgery equipment, cat owners should budget for pet denal work to cost around $1,300 .

Pet insurance may help with these expenses . Pet insurance providers like ASPCA, Embrace, Pets Best, Healthy Paws, Prudent Pet, Nationwide, Spot, and Pumpkin offer complete coverage for cat dental care. Use Pawlicy Advisor to get quotes from these and other providers to find the perfect pet insurance plan that will help make it easier to choose affordable, high-quality dental care for your cat.


老化はあなたの犬の生活の一部であり、彼はある時点で先輩になります。シニア犬の世話に関するいくつかの素晴らしいヒントがあります。 リサジェニングスによる 老化はあなたのペットの生活の一部であり、彼はある時点で先輩になります。シニアペットには、若い犬とは少し異なる独自のニーズがあることを知っておく必要があります。シニアペットを快適に保つために何をすべきかわからない場合は、シニア犬の世話をするための次のヒントをご覧ください。 動作の変化に注意 犬は話すことができませんが、犬の行動はしばしば彼らの健康について多くを語っています。年配の犬はそれほど活発ではありませんが、ペットの行動に注意を払


最初の犬を家に連れて帰ることは、人生で最もエキサイティングな時期の1つになるでしょう。これを成功させるための5つのヒントがあります。 ゲストブロガー、ジュリーアダムス 最初の犬を家に連れて帰ることは、人生で最もエキサイティングな時期の1つになるでしょう。この新しい子犬に家と呼ぶ場所を提供しただけでなく、あなたは自分自身が一生の新しい友達であることに気づきました。犬は太くも細くもあなたと一緒にいます。新しい犬と一緒に、ワクワクすることがたくさんあります!しかし、後でではなく早く知る必要があることもたくさんあります。 あなたは現在、新しい動物のお母さんとお父さんの新婚旅行の段階に似ています