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Bissell ペットの染み消しゴムを試してみたところ、難しい染みがたくさん落ちました


乾いた犬の尿の染みでさえ、Bissell Pet Stain Eraser には敵いませんでした。


家には 2 匹の犬と 5 人の幼い子供がいて、ホーム エディターとしての私の仕事には、たくさんのペットの染み抜き剤をテストし、カーペットから犬のおしっこを取り除くための新しいトリックを見つけることが含まれます。 Bissell Pet Stain Eraser がペットの臭いを取り除き、猫のおしっこもきれいにできると聞いたとき、私はそれを回転させる必要があることを知っていました.

私は、ペットの汚れだけでなく、このハンドヘルドの多目的デバイスに夢中になりました.間違いなくペットにとって最高のカーペット クリーナーの 1 つであり、猫のおしっこの臭いを 1 分以内で取り除くことができますが、室内装飾品の食べ物やワインの染みの命の恩人でもあります.

Bissell ペットのしみ消しゴムとは?


Bissell Pet Stain Eraser はコードレスのハンドヘルド掃除機で、一般的なほこりを取り除くコードレス モデルによく似ていますが、洗浄液のスプレーと強力な吸引の効率が向上しています。これは、ベストセラーの Bissell Little Green Machine (私が直接試して気に入ったもの) のよりコンパクトでポータブルな弟分であり、カーペット敷きの階段や車の内装の最も簡単な染み抜きソリューションの 1 つです。

重さはわずか数ポンドで、耐久性のあるハンドルとすべてプラスチック製の本体を備えており、取り外し可能なクリーニング ブラシにより、難しい汚れを簡単にこすり落とすことができます。また、この掃除機は簡単に充電して持ち運べるので、カーペットから犬の糞をすばやく簡単に取り除くことができるため、新しい子犬や事故を起こしやすいペットを自宅で飼っている方に最適な製品の 1 つです。

本体には 2 つの透明なリザーバーがあり、1 つはお好みの洗浄液用、もう 1 つは汚れた水用です。このマシンではほとんどの液体カーペット クリーナーを使用できますが、Bissell Spot と Stain + Oxy Formula が豊富に付属しており、マーカーの染み、グレープ ジュース、ケチャップにも効果を発揮します。



Bissell Pet Stain Eraser を使用するのに長く待つ必要はありませんでした.到着してから数時間以内に、息子が私たちのエリアラグの1つに「誤って」ケチャップを付けたことを知らせてくれたからです. I charged the vacuum for a full four hours per the instructions, added some cleaning solution and water to the clean water reservoir, and then gave the nearly-dried ketchup stain a few passes and watched it lift away with minimal effort. It beat my old method of hand-scrubbing by far and accomplished the stain-removing task in under a minute. It also fully removed the distinct vinegar scent that so often lingers after a ketchup spill.

Next, I tried the machine on a dog pee stain my toy poodle left as a gift for me on the area rug in my den (along with her anytime gift of dog smell, that is). I hadn’t immediately noticed the marked territory until hours after it happened, so it was dry and stinky by the time I got to it. I pre-treated the stain with some Folex Carpet Spot Remover and then passed over it with the Bissell seven or eight times. It came out flawlessly, and my rug returned to its brand new-looking state. I also walked it over to my neighbor’s house where she used it on the carpeted stairs leading to her basement. She marveled at how it “got years of built-up stains out from the previous owners.”

The most impressive results were on the armchair in my daughter’s room, though, where several years of toddler touching had darkened the hand rests and discolored the soft blue color I loved so much when I bought it. She is also extremely sensitive to chemical-based cleaning products, so I thought it was worth trying to lessen the stains with water only. To my very happy surprise, using water alone and the Bissell’s powerful suction was enough to lighten the stains dramatically.

Bissell Pet Stain Eraser product features

If you’re looking for how to clean carpet, rugs, and upholstery without spending loads of time and energy, the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser’s lightweight cordless design is a sure front runner. It’s lightweight enough for those with weak arm and grip strength to maneuver, and the easy on/off power function makes operating it a simple task.


What we liked about the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser:

  • Lightweight and easy to maneuver even on cumbersome carpeted stairs
  • Compact size makes it convenient to store even in tight spaces
  • Modest price point pays for itself after just one saved rug or sofa
  • Can be used with the cleaning solution of your choice, or water alone
  • Simple push-button operation
  • No complicated assembly
  • Heavy-duty suction gets out serious stains and caked-on messes
  • The two water reservoirs can be rinsed under warm water for fast cleaning


What to consider about the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser:

  • A full charge requires being plugged in for four hours
  • A single charge only offers 15 continuous minutes of run time (though you won’t need that much to get out a stain or two)
  • The bristles on the scrub attachment may be too tough for delicate upholstery and rugs
  • It’s not one of the best vacuums for pet hair, as it is designed to work primarily with wet stains


How does the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser work?

The Bissell Pet Stain Eraser works by pre-treating stains in either water or a solution of cleaning fluid and water and then suctioning the diluted stains out. In the case of more difficult stains, the scrub brush attachment helps loosen particles.

Does the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser use water?

Yes, the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser requires water to operate.

Can the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser vacuum up vomit?

良い質問。 The manufacturer suggests discarding larger bits of the debris before using the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser. Scoop up anything chunky—sorry—and then give the mess a few good passes with the scrub brush attachment.

How long does the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser last?

In terms of longevity, user reviews note that this machine easily lasts for years. It’s a sturdy, well-built piece of home cleaning gear you’ll reach for whenever unexpected messes turn up. In terms of run time, a single charge gets you about 15 continuous minutes of cleaning time (or several shorter bursts of spot stain removal).

What other reviewers had to say

“This product is awesome!” shares one very happy verified Amazon purchaser. “I adopted a dog and she had doggie diarrhea one night on my carpet. I didn’t want a big bulky machine, so I went to Amazon and found this. Used it as soon as it arrived, and now the stain is gone!”

Rick, another verified Amazon purchaser says, “I’m pretty impressed with how effective this little thing is. I had some pretty tough stains that wouldn’t come out while using traditional cleaning methods and my carpet was a bit rough as a result of failing to effectively treat these spots. The Pet Stain Eraser not only got rid of the stains but left my carpet smooth and soft like before. I couldn’t be happier about the purchase.”

Final verdict

courtesy Bryce Gruber

The Bissell Pet Stain Eraser is the very-powerful little brother of the larger format Little Green Machine. If you’re low on storage space or budget, the Pet Stain Eraser makes a strong addition to any cleaning arsenal and easily sops up all sorts of gross messes that would take far more energy to clean any other way. If you have pets, kids, or high-traffic carpeted areas, this nifty little gadget is an absolute must-have.

Where to buy the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser

The Bissell Pet Stain Eraser is available on the Bissell website for under $100, where the brand frequently offers bonus discounts and deals. You can also find it similarly priced at Target and Lowe’s. This popular handheld model frequently sells out at other retailers, so you’ll want to scoop one up faster than two shakes of a dog’s tail.

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ブチイモリのかなりの数の亜種( Notopthalmus viridescens )ペットの取引に参入しました。すべてが丈夫で、興味深く、飼育下で繁殖する可能性があります。 パート1をご覧ください 彼らの世話と給餌についての情報のためにこの記事の。以下の説明と生息地情報は、イモリを特定するのに役立ちます。ただし、自然で飼育下で生成された雑種はプロセスを複雑にする可能性があります。支援が必要な場合はご連絡ください。 ブチイモリ亜種 赤いイモリ(Notopthalmusv。viridescens ) グループの中で最も広範囲で最も一般的に保持されているです。多くの場合、ペットケアガイドに記載さ


行動上の問題により、毎日驚くほど多くのペットが降伏しています。多くの場合、これらの問題には不適切な排便が含まれます。言い換えると、ペットは適切な場所(トイレや庭など)の外でおしっこをしたり、うんちをしたりしています。猫の不適切な排泄は特に憂慮すべきことです。なぜなら、猫は病気のときにトイレの外でおしっこをする可能性が最も高く、通常、根本的な原因として何らかの尿路感染症があるからです。ここでの教訓は、猫がトイレの外でおしっこをしている場合は、避難所ではなく獣医に旅行することです! ペットは、他の理由でも、家の中でおしっこをしたり、うんちをしたりすることがあります。たとえば、適切に家で訓練されて