


  • 子供はペットを飼うことで大きな恩恵を受けますが、適切な種類のペットを選び、適切に紹介することが不可欠です。
  • 犬と猫のどちらを飼うかは、家族のエネルギーレベルとペットの世話にどれだけの時間を費やすかによって異なります。
  • どのペットを飼うにせよ、鍵となるのは、事前に家族を準備し、ゆっくりと慎重に紹介することです。

つまり、あなたの子供はペットを飼うのを楽しむのに十分な年齢であり、ペットを欲しがっています。 .


ホリスティック ドッグ トレーナーであり、Pack Dynamics LLC のオーナーであるサラ アン リードにアドバイスを求めました。





  • 話を聞いて指示に従うことができる
  • 怒鳴ったり叩いたりせずに、健全な方法で不安や怒りを表現する方法を知っている
  • 動物に対して優しく、親切で、愛情深いことを証明した
  • 犬の世話をすることの意味を現実的に理解する



猫は子供に対する責任がはるかに少ないです。彼らは歩いたり訓練したりする必要はなく、かなり自給自足です。特に愛情深く、膝の上で寄り添うのが好きな猫は、幼なじみの良い友達になることができます。猫は、幼い子供たちにとって、猫に餌をやる、ブラッシングする、トイレを掃除するなどの責任を教えるのに最適なスターター ペットです。








  • 猫に過度のプレッシャーをかけないように、猫と短いやり取りを数回行うことをお勧めします。
  • 交流を強要しないでください。 If your cat doesn’t want to be held or touched, respect that they may need more time to settle in.
  • Take baby steps until you have created a comfortable experience for both the cat and your child.

Introducing dogs to children

Introducing a dog to your child can be much more involved. Before ever deciding to get a puppy or adopt a dog, always have your child meet the dog first to see how they interact with each other. If you are thinking of adopting a dog, many dogs have had bad experiences with children or adults in their past, which can cause them to be wary and nervous with children and people in general. I do not recommend adopting a dog who shows any anxiety or fear with your child, as it can take months or even years to help a dog overcome fear, no matter how kind your child is.

Once you have determined that the puppy or rescue dog will be a good match for your family and lifestyle, it’s a good idea to bring something familiar into your home to help them adjust. You can bring their dog bed, a blanket, and toys that will be comforting to them. Set up everything for your dog so that they start to learn where their water bowl is and can go to their familiar dog bed or grab their toy if they need some familiar comforts.

The introduction step-by-step:

  • The best way to introduce a dog to your child is to sit them in a chair beside you as the dog is walked into the room by another adult with a slack leash. It’s vital that the dog and child be as calm as possible before they meet giving them the best opportunity for success.If the dog walks ahead of the person on leash, the handler turns around to walk in the opposite direction a few steps, then waits 30 seconds before walking back into the room.
  • Repeat bringing the dog in until he is calmly walking beside the person without any eye contact or talking as they are being walked into the room. Be sure no one is looking at the dog or talking to them, to help the dog feel relaxed, with no pressure.
  • The person holding the leash sits in a chair across the room from the child, and everyone continues ignoring the dog until he settles down and stops trying to get everyone’s attention. Once the dog has been calm for five minutes, you can drop the leash, and then the child can call the dog over for affection in a relaxed, friendly tone. Be sure the child is sitting with their body facing away from the dog, so as not to loom over them when they approach for attention and offer a treat, with the palm of their hand facing up.
  • Once the dog feels comfortable accepting the treat, the child can reach down with one hand and slowly pet them on their chest first, never over their head, as that can make a dog feel uncomfortable. If the dog appears to feel safe and relaxed, they can rub the back, rump, and tummy.
  • Taking these additional steps will help your dog learn how to calmly interact with your child and teach your child to be kind and gentle to your dog. Your dog has emotions too and can feel nervous or uncomfortable.  It’s wise to keep the leash attached to the dog for a while, just in case you misjudged their reaction, you can easily remove the dog from the room if you need to.

    What can I do to prepare my child ahead of adopting a dog or cat?

    Discussing the responsibilities

    Talk to your children before adopting a dog or cat and explain the additional help you will need from them. Your children should feel included in the process and understand that this is a life-long commitment.

    Take a “trial run” by pet sitting

    It’s a great idea to dog sit for at least a week for a friend or family member to give a real-life experience to your child about the reality of having a dog. Include them in feeding the dog, teaching them how to brush the dog, give affection and play appropriately and take your child along during walks.

    Playing with a dog sounds fun, but are they willing to help take the dog out to eliminate, and do the necessary “poop patrol,” even when it’s a cold or a rainy day?

    You can also cat-sit if you are planning on getting a kitty to teach your child about the responsibilities of having a cat, like cleaning the litter box, feeding, and brushing them. It’s also essential to teach them how to appropriately play with and give affection to the cat. If you don’t know anyone you can dog- or cat-sit for you could foster for a week. This not only gives you a tremendous real-life experience and also allows you to see if the pet is a good fit for your family and lifestyle.

    Is there any other advice you could give to parents wanting to bring a dog or cat into the household?

    If you feel like you are already juggling too much in your life, know that having a dog often feels like having another child. Dogs have different needs than children, but if you don’t have the time and patience to dedicate to training and their care as a family, it’s not a good idea to bring a dog into your home as you will feel even more overwhelmed. A cat may be a better option for busy parents, as they require much less time and attention and don’t need training, but still allow your child to learn about the responsibility and joys of caring for and loving an animal.

    I do not recommend asking your children to walk your new puppy or dog until you have mastered heel training. Most adults have difficulty walking an untrained dog and a child could easily get hurt, or the dog could get loose and run away or get injured. Once your dog knows how to heel it’s advisable that you walk your dog with your child for a while until your child feels confident and you trust your child to handle every situation that may happen during a typical walk. If your dog reacts to other dogs, either wanting to play with them or nervous when they see another dog, this can be too much to handle for most children, depending on their age.

    Sarah-Anne Reed  is a holistic dog trainer, and owner of  Pack Dynamics, LLC ®.  Her practice focuses on understanding and respecting dogs as a different species and honoring them as individual beings.

    This article is copyrighted by Sarah-Anne Reed and Pack Dynamics ®  LLC, and no reproduction of this article without the express permission of Sarah-Anne Reed is permitted.

    Are you thinking about getting a new pet?そうすれば、あなたはペット保険の有力候補です。 見積もりを取る また、将来の怪我や病気に備えて保険に加入していることを確認してください。


    数年前に地元の避難所からフォクシーを採用したとき、犬のオマールと猫のフォクシーは親友になりました。 生後5ヶ月の子猫をキャリアでアパートに連れて行き、出してみると、まるでいつもここに住んでいるかのように歩き回っていました。当時4歳のミニゴールデンドゥードルだったオマールは、リビングルームのベッドでくつろいでいて、ソファに向かう途中で彼のそばでワルツルしたとき、「ねえ、あなたに会えてかっこいい」のようでした。 調整期間はありませんでした。まるで一生一緒に暮らしていたかのようでした。数日以内に、フォクシーはオマールに寄り添い、お互いに身だしなみを整えていました。当時のサウンドトラックがあっ


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