

































    • 常に犬の首輪を外し、犬の首と首輪からすべての石鹸を洗い流します。
    • カラーを交換する前に、カラーを風乾させてください。
    • 犬に濡れた首輪を付けたままにしないでください。















    • フレキシブルまたはファブリックメジャーテープ





1。 2回測定















あなたの犬のための犬用首輪の種類を選ぶとき、あなたの犬のニーズが何であるか、そして彼の日常の活動を考慮してください。さまざまな用途のために、いくつかの異なるタイプの襟を手元に置いておきたい場合があります。たとえば、Petsafe Gentle Leaderは、のんびりと散歩するのに最適です。








2022犬用首輪ガイド:適切な犬用首輪の選び方 基本的なカラーは通常ナイロンまたはレザーで、プラスチックまたは金属のバックルが付いています。それらは多種多様なスタイル、パターン、さらには素材で利用できます。基本的な襟は通常、一日中、そして夜でも着用されます。彼らは首の下に、快適なルーズフィットでなければなりません。




Nite Ize Nite Dawg CollarなどのLED犬用首輪は、早朝や暗い夜に犬を散歩させる場合に最適です。特に、犬と一緒にキャンプやハイキングをしている場合に最適です。








Ruffwear Confluence Collarのような防水犬用首輪は非常に耐久性があり、ナイロンや革製の犬用首輪ほど頻繁に洗ったり交換したりする必要はありません。



2022犬用首輪ガイド:適切な犬用首輪の選び方 犬が無人になる場合は、ブレイクウェイカラーが最適です。分離カラーを使用すると、カラーに圧力がかかるとバックルが外れ、動物が自由に壊れます。








2022犬用首輪ガイド:適切な犬用首輪の選び方 マーチンゲール首輪は、最も快適で安全に使用できるため、最も人気のあるトレーニング用首輪の1つです。 。このスタイルの首輪は、犬が引っ張ったときに少し締めたり締めたりするように設計されていますが、適切に歩いていると快適に緩みます。

最も一般的なマルチンゲールのデザインでは、標準のカラーと同様のナイロンを使用し、軽鎖の小さな部分を2つの金属リングの間にループさせます。 Canine Equipment Technikaクイックリリースマーチンゲールカラーは、犬の歩行行動をトレーニングするための使いやすく快適なオプションです。

マーチンゲールカラーの別のバージョンでは、RC Pet All Webbing Training Collarのように、チェーンの代わりに別の生地を使用しています。毛皮が抜けないように、髪の長い犬に適しています。また、軽量で、首の細い犬や小型犬に最適です。








    1. サイジングは、マルチンゲールの安全性において最も重要な要素の1つです。犬のマルチンゲールのサイズを決めるときは、首輪がたるんでいるときに2本の指を下に置くことができるように合わせます。これはあなたの犬が引っ張ろうとした場合に効果的になります。

    2. マーチンゲールの首輪は、犬の動きに反応するように設計されています。犬が引っ張ると、首輪が少し締まります。首輪はひもを引っ張るために設計されていません。これは犬にとって混乱を招くだけでなく、ひもをすばやく引っ張ると犬がどのように感じるかを簡単に判断できるとは限りません。

    3. 犬が引っ張られて首輪が締まったら、かかとなどの口頭でフォローアップするか、犬の注意を引くために来て、より許容できる歩幅に戻るように頼みます。














    1. チョークチェーンの方向は正しいです。チェーンをリングに通してループを作ると、一方向に引っ張るとスライドしやすくなります。これにより、犬が引っ張るのをやめたときにチェーンがすぐにたるむことができます。

      犬が引っ張るのをやめた後もチョークチェーンがきつく締まっている場合は、後ろ向きにループしている可能性があります。チョークチェーンを装着する前に、それを持ち上げて、その形状を確認してください。 Pのように見えるはずです。そうでない場合は、後方にあります。

    2. 歩いていない場合は、犬にチョークチェーンを付けたままにしないでください。チョークチェーンは、柵、茂み、さらには木枠のバーに簡単に引っ掛かり、犬を窒息させる可能性があります。監視されていない場合、これはすぐに致命的な見落としになる可能性があります。

    3. 天気を考慮してください。極寒の大草原の冬に金属製のチョークチェーンを着用するのは良い考えではありません。金属はすぐに冷え、厚手の犬種でさえ冬の散歩に氷のネックレスを欲しがりません。

    4. 金属の種類も重要です。安価な金属は、ペットの毛皮を酸化して汚す可能性があります。あなたの犬の美しいコートを保護する高品質のステンレス鋼またはコーティングされたチェーンを探してください。








これについては、かなり率直になります-専門的な認定トレーナーの指導がない限り、ピンチカラーは使用しないでください。 リスクは潜在的な利益の価値がありません。




2022犬用首輪ガイド:適切な犬用首輪の選び方 リアクティブカラーとリモートカラーも人気が高まっています。これらは通常のトレーニングカラーよりも多くの機能を備えており、通常、悪い歩行行動を修正するためには使用されません。それらは主に不適切な吠えを修正するために使用されます。










    1. バークコントロールカラーは、効果的に機能するように適切なサイズにする必要があります。首に座っていないと、声帯の動きを検出できません。ほとんどの樹皮の首輪とリモートの首輪は、8ポンド未満の犬や非常に細い首の犬に快適または効果的にフィットするように設計されています。

    2. リモートカラーでやりすぎないでください。あなたはあなたの犬に正しい行動が何であるかを処理して理解する時間を与える必要があります、それであなたがリモートを叩いているならば、彼らは修正を彼らの行動に関連付ける時間がありません。

    3. 犬が必要ない場合は、犬に残してはいけません。樹皮の首輪は、犬が一人で家にいるときによく使用されます。したがって、家にいて口頭での命令をフォローアップしたり、活動で気を散らしたりする場合は、首輪は必要ありません。

    4. これらの首輪の効果は穏やかであるため、一部の犬は最終的に反応を期待して無視することを学びます。この時点でカラーを使い続けるのは無意味です。











ショックカラーの安全性に関しては、それがどのように機能し、どのように使用するかを知ることが重要です。 Read the instructions, contact the manufacturer, and speak with your vet to make sure the collar is safe to use with your pet.

    1. This is one collar that we only recommend as a last resort and with the guidance of a professional trainer. These devices are so easily misused that we almost never recommend them ourselves.

      Try other less dangerous training methods before you try a shock collar. And if you aren’t confident that you can use it safely, please don’t
    2. This, like other remote and automatic collars, need to be sized appropriately for them to be effective. They are not designed and should never be used on dogs under 8 lbs.

    3. Shock collars are meant to be a short-term solution. They are used to stop a specific behaviour and help replace it with a better one. If the collar isn’t effective after a month or two, then you are either using it wrong, or it’s not the right type of training tool for your dog.

Dog Training Collar Wrap Up

Many of these collars are popular because they tend to give quick results, and this is ideal for anyone that isn’t a professional dog trainer, but the short-term results are often fleeting. Worse, they could lead to behavioural issues in the long term.

There are two things to keep in mind if you are considering a training collar for your dog:

  1. Learn how to use it appropriately. Do your research. Talk to your vet. And make sure you understand how dangerous a training collar can be if not used appropriately.

  2. All training takes time, but most training tools should produce results within a few weeks. If they don’t, then that’s a clue to move on. If your dog is not taking the hint, or if he stops responding to the collar, then it’s time to stop using it and try a different method. There is no sense in using a potentially harmful tool if it isn’t working.

  3. If training collars are effective, or if you aren’t sure how to use them appropriately, then you are better off sticking to a different less invasive training technique. Harnesses are a great alternative tool to training collars.

All of these training collars can be used safely, but they rarely are. This is in part because they don’t come with a set of instructions or a rule book. They are just labelled as a training tool with some idealistic claims of the benefits.


Martingales are the most intuitive training collar, and there are safe options and best practices for most training tools, but if you don’t know how to use them, don’t 。 At least not unless you are willing to really research proper use, and if possible connect with a professional trainer who can work with you on how to use these tools safely.

Training your dog is about building a bond of trust and loyalty. When improperly used, they can do both physical and psychological damage.

In the end, how you train your dog is up to you. You need to choose the methods that are best suited for your dog and for you. Talk to your vet about your options, especially if you are dealing with behavioural issues, as they may be able to layout more options for managing your dog training struggles.

We love a good force-free training method, and we always recommend this path, but different strokes for different folks. Just make sure you know all your options before you invest in a potentially dangerous training tool.

Choosing the Right Material

Ok, it’s time to get more granular. Once you have determined the type of collar that would work best for your dog, you can look at what the collar is made of. Most dog collar types come in a variety of different materials, each with unique benefits and drawbacks.

To help you understand the differences between the materials used in dog collars, here are some of the pros and cons of each.

Nylon Dog Collars


Nylon dog collars are the most prevalent types of collars. Ideal for dogs to wear around the house, on walks, and for attaching ID tags, nylon collars are the multi-purpose, standard collar.

There are a huge variety of patterns, colours, widths, and qualities within this dog collar category. You can stick to something plain and basic, like the Rogz Reflective Dog Collars, or get fancy with a patterned style like the RC Pet Clip Collar for Dogs.

Fashion-forward pets (and people!) can have fun with the myriad of styles and designs of the most common, but certainly not the most boring, of canine accessories. Better yet, this is great if you want a personalized dog collar.

Pros of Nylon

      • Inexpensive
      • Unlimited variety of patterns &designs
      • Easy to use, put on, and take off
      • Used in both standard and training collar designs

Nylon is the most common material for dog collars. It’s cheap and allows brands like the blueberry pet to offer a huge variety of styles, colours, and patterns. Nylon is a great choice for a basic everyday collar, especially for growing puppies. They are nice and light, so they are comfortable for dogs of all sizes.

Cons of Nylon

      • Can become smelly over time
      • Less durable
      • Difficult to clean
      • Dogs can have an allergy or sensitivity to nylon

Cheap and convenient don’t always scream quality. Nylon collars are the least durable material on the list. Your dog can easily chew through this fabric collar and over time, the fabric will start to fray. It’s a good thing they are cheap because they will need to be replaced more frequently than other collars.

They are also better at holding bacteria, and therefore they get really stinky. You can wash them, but the smell will return.

Neoprene Dog Collars

2022犬用首輪ガイド:適切な犬用首輪の選び方 Neoprene is a soft rubbery material that is used in wet suits, and it's reinforced with nylon webbing for added strength, stretch, and durability. Neoprene makes for excellent dog collars, like the FuzzYard Dinosaur Land Dog Collar, for dogs that spend a lot of time in the water.

While they aren’t completely waterproof, they are going to stay cleaner and hold less odour than a standard nylon collar. Check out the pros and cons of neoprene.

Pros of Neoprene

      • Comfortable
      • Perfect for dogs that like to swim
      • Fast drying (moisture-wicking)
      • Good for pets with skin allergies

Like a nylon collar, neoprene is a soft and flexible material, so they are comfortable to wear all day. The softer fabric is good for dogs with long, dense fur that can mat easily or get caught on other fabrics.

Better than a nylon collar, they are ideal for avid swimmers and dogs that live in wetter climates, like BC. The moisture-wicking material dries quickly and stays clean.

Cons of Neoprene

      • More expensive
      • Bulkier than nylon
      • Limited designs

Though this is a common material for basic collars, it tends to be pricier than standard nylon, but for many, the perks are worth the extra cost. They can also be a bit bulkier than nylon, but that can also increase durability to some extent.

Neoprene is not as widely available either, so you find fewer styles and patterns in the neoprene category, which is a downside for more fashionable pooches.

Chain Dog Collars


Chain collars also called choke chains, are metal, usually stainless steel. They are a heavier, and very sturdy collar material, and can stand up to dogs that play rough. These collars are also very easy to keep clean as they can be washed in warm soapy water.

Poorer quality metals can tarnish or rust, so make sure you look for high-quality stainless steel. Some chain collars even come in fun colours. These are done with a chrome coating. While this looks nice, it may fade or rub off over time.

Pros of Chain

      • Durable
      • Will not stink
      • Can be helpful for training stubborn dogs

Metal is definitely more durable than any other type of collar. They are thicker and heavier, but it’s unlikely that you’ll ever need to replace this collar unless your dog outgrows it. These collars are geared towards stubborn dogs that are struggling with their training, so they can be a useful training aid if used correctly.

Being easy to clean, these collars can go just about anywhere and just get hosed off with your dog. No mess, no smell, no damage.

Cons of Chain

      • Should not be left on unattended dogs
      • Not for extremely cold temperatures
      • Can be harmful if not used properly
      • Incompatible with certain leashes

The potential for harm with this collar is big, so chain collars should always be used safely. Never leave a chain collar on your dog unattended or in a crate, as it could become a choking hazard.

Metal adjusts quickly with the outside temperature. Chain collars, whether they are for training purposes or not are, can get very cold in the winter, and very hot in the summer heat. Be aware of the temperature before letting your dog walk around with a metal collar.

Here is a quick video to help you make sure that you know how to use choke chains properly:

Leather Dog Collars

2022犬用首輪ガイド:適切な犬用首輪の選び方 Leather dog collars are a classic, durable style of collar that provides a great balance of both looks and practicality. While more expensive than most collars, quality leather collars can be expected to last for years.

Make sure when you are buying leather dog collars that you choose a collar made from genuine leatherBonded leather , while made from real leather, is a conglomerate of scrap leathers with a bonding agent to bind them.

This type of leather dog collars may look and feel like genuine leather, but it is not as durable and is an inferior product. While bonded leather would still be suitable for a dog collar, it won't have the same durability.

Leather dog collars, like Angel Rotterdam Bones Dog Collar, can be found in both flat and rolled designs to best suit the animal. Rolled leather collars are generally recommended for dogs who have thick hair that easily mats around their collar.

Pros of Leather

      • Durable
      • Good for pets with allergies or skin sensitivities
      • Natural material
      • Breathable (can help with the smell)
      • Easy to wipe clean

Leather is considered more of a luxury collar style. It’s pricy but for those that are looking for a durable but sleek design, then leather is the way to go. High-quality leather is also quite comfortable and is good for dogs that may have skin reactions to more common fabric materials.

It’s also easy to keep clean. You can spot clean and wipe off mud and dirt, keeping the collar in good condition and free of that wet dog smell that collars tend to get.

Cons of Leather

      • Limited designs
      • Expensive
      • Can still become smelly over time
      • Coloured dyes can stain fur or bleed when wet

Cost is definitely a factor when it comes to leather. Real leather isn’t cheap, nor would you want it to be. Cheap leathers aren’t as durable and will come apart quicker. Stick to real bonded leather.

Some leathers are dyed for fashion reasons, but in poorer quality products, those dyes can bleed and stain your dog’s fur.

Faux Leather Dog Collars

Faux leather, also called vegan leather or pleather, is an inexpensive material that makes up a lot of cheap dog collars that are on the market. While collars made from this material may be less expensive and fashionable, they won't last as long or be as durable as standard leather. Avoid this material for everyday use, only using it for fashion collars (if you so desire).

Pros of Faux Leather

      • Inexpensive
      • Comes in many colours and styles
      • Can be a viable vegan option (not all artificial leathers are vegan, however)

Faux leather has one main purpose - Fashion! You’ll find lots of fun colours and styles in the faux leather category. Best of all, they are much, much cheaper than real leather. If you are looking to accessorize your pooch on a budget, then faux leather is the way to go.

Cons of Faux Leather

      • Breaks down quickly; not durable
      • Cheap materials
      • Man-made materials
      • Coloured dies can stain fur or bleed when wet

If something seems too good to be true, it just might be. These cost-effective decorative collars aren’t without fault. They often use cheaper quality materials that aren’t as durable. You may see cracking and splitting in the leather much sooner than you’d like.

Worst, the fancy designs and colours are much more likely to bleed when they get wet. This could lead to your dog’s fur being temporarily dyed in some funky colours for a while.

Biothane Dog Collars


Biothane collars are the ideal collar for dogs that love water. Biothane is made from a polyester webbing that is powder-coated with either polyurethane or polyvinyl materials and is 100% non-toxic. They are a great alternative to neoprene and leather, as they are softer, more flexible, and less expensive.

Biothane material is comfortable enough for everyday use, durable enough for any activity, and will not break down as other materials will. For dogs that are rough with their stuff, play rough with other dogs, or just manage to find ways to chew their collars, Biothane will hold up better than any nylon, neoprene or leather product.

Pros of Biothane

      • Cheaper than neoprene and leather
      • Water-proof
      • Easy to clean and won't stink
      • Flexible and comfortable

Lots of people like biothane over leather products, because you get a tougher and cleaner collar for half the price. It stays dry, doesn’t hold an odour, and wipes clean. It’s the perfect colour for swimmers and dogs that love getting messy.

The flexible material is comfortable for all fur types too, and it won't collect fur like nylon and other fabrics will.

Cons fo Biothane

      • Not as widely available as other collar materials
      • Cheap-looking

Though it has many benefits, Biothane might not be something you’ll find at your local pet store. Biothane materials are being used more commonly, but variety and availability might still be limited. While comparable to leather in durability and function, biothane tends to look like cheap plastic, so it’s not for everyone.

Collar Features to Consider

To make sure you are choosing the best collars for dogs, consider some of the other features of the collar and how they may affect how effective your dog’s collar is.



Buckle style often comes down to personal preference, but there are some considerations to make. Plastic buckles are easier to put on and take off, but these can get brittle in cold temperatures and also lose integrity with weather exposure (sun and other elements), so plastic buckles may not be the best choice for outdoor pets.

Metal buckles are stronger and generally more secure. These durable buckles may be better for dogs who are prone to chewing their collars (or their housemates' collars) or larger, stronger dogs who pull more.

Certain buckle designs, such as those in Rogz dog collars offer buckle locks to prevent colours from coming undone accidentally.


Every once in a while, collars will bleed the colours of the dyes into your dog's fur. This is most common with nylon and faux leather dog collars. This is particularly a problem with dogs who have sensitive skin or allergies. If this happens, consider a biothane or real leather collar.

Over time the colours of any collar will begin to fade, especially if they are washed routinely. Hand wash and avoid heavy detergents to prevent fading. Soaking nylon collars in a 5% vinegar and water solution to disinfect and break down dirt and grime.


For anyone with a growing dog, a dog losing weight, or dogs with thick undercoats that slim down during shedding season, having a collar with a range of adjustability can save you a ton of money.

Nylon, neoprene and collars with plastic snap buckles will offer the largest range of sizes, sometimes as much as 6 or more inches. Leather and biothane are more likely to have a limited range of adjustability because they usually use a classic metal buckle. The adjustability will be limited by the number of notches in the collar.



If you are looking for a collar that helps your dog show their style, then collars with studs, jewels, glitter, or even spikes might catch your eye. While these are pretty or fun, they can affect the durability and safety of the collar.

Studs are often a sturdier decoration for collars as they are attached to the collar with rivets, but some cheaply made options are simply sewn or glued onto the collar. These poor-quality embellishments can easily fall off and could be ingested by a curious pooch.

Spikes are a fun accessory to help your dog look tough, but the risk of harming themselves is high. The risk is especially high if you have multiple pets, or if your dog loves a good romp at the dog park. Keep this in mind when choosing a decorative collar.

DIY Dog Collars

2022犬用首輪ガイド:適切な犬用首輪の選び方 Photo Credit:K9ofmine.com

With the prevalence of Pinterest and pet blogs, DIY projects for pets have gained a surge in popularity, but there are a number of precautions that you should bear in mind when deciding to make or buy a homemade collar. Safety should always be your first concern when making a homemade project for your dog.

One of the worrying things about these types of collars is that they can contain inferior materials, including old leather belts (which are more porous than new leather used in commercial collars and prone to stretching), yarn, ribbons, nylon cord, T-shirt material, and more.

While these collars may be cute, they may not offer the same strength and safety that a professionally made store-bought collar. The same goes for store-bought collars that are very cheaply made. Quality is always important.

Accessories Can Be Dangerous

It's also popular to add beads, feathers, sequins, bows, charms, treat holders, or other fashionable, decorative elements to dog collars, but these can be dangerous for dogs to ingest and should be avoided unless you are closely attending your dog.

Though you may choose to make a pretty collar for the holidays or a photo session, NEVER leave your dog unattended with a DIY collar or collar accessories. Homemade pet collars have not gone under any safety testing, contrary to most well-made collars.

While DIY collars can be fun, only use these when the dog is under your supervision for their safety. It's not a good idea to attach leashes or ID tags to these types of collars, either.

Dog Collar Accessories

2022犬用首輪ガイド:適切な犬用首輪の選び方 There are a number of dog collar accessories, like the Ruffwear The Beacon (pictured above), that are made to complement your pet's collar for various reasons, including decoration, safety, storage, and more. Identification and city tags, charms, lights, and reflectors are very popular collar accessories, but avoid putting too many accessories on your dog's collar.

Accessories like treat compartments and poop bag holders are often available as leash accessories, and there are even dog backpacks for storage that you can get for your dog for hiking trips.

Avoid attaching anything unnecessary to your dog's collar as it can irritate or add stress to your dog's neck, or pose other risks such as ingestion. If you do attach something decorative or functional, only use it when you are with your dog and remove it when your dog is unattended.

Dog Harnesses Versus Dog Collar


Which is better a collar or a harness? To answer that you need to consider what you are using the gear for.

Dog harnesses are an effective tool for walking, transporting, and handling your pet. With reduced stress on your dog's neck and increased control, harnesses provide better functionality than collars in many situations. They can be helpful for training and essential for dogs with slim necks, such as whippets or greyhounds, and brachycephalic or short-nosed dogs, such as pugs and bulldogs.

You don't have to choose between a collar and a harness. Collars are still more comfortable for pets to wear 24/7 and are recommended for almost all pets to wear with their ID tag at all times. Harnesses can be on hand for more controlled walks, easy trips to the vet, training, and more.

Like collars, dog harnesses come in many different materials and types, such as basic harnesses, car harnesses, and no-pull harnesses, and not every harness will fit every breed or body type. Choosing the right harness depends on your purpose for using it, how your dog walks, and the size and type of dog you are fitting the harness for.

Find out more about dog harnesses in Best Dog Harness for Your Dog:Choosing the Right Gear.

Buying a Collar for Your Puppy

Buying a puppy collar is a little different than buying a collar for an adult dog. Puppies experience quick and sporadic growth so you need to choose a collar that will grow with them. Here are some tips for finding the best collar for a puppy 2022.


Here are a few tips to consider when buying a collar for a puppy:

  1. Buy a collar that fits well now. When buying your puppy a collar, you want to get the most for your money, but don't let a few pinched pennies put your dog at risk. Buy a collar that fits your puppy well at his current size.

    While you should keep the future in mind, the most important thing is that your dog's collar fits well at all times 。 A collar that is too big can fit over the dog's head, be chewed on, or even pose a strangulation risk.
  2. Lay the one collar myth to rest. If you are fitting a collar for your puppy, you will buy another collar at some point in your dog's life. Very few dogs will fit the same collar from when they are a couple of months old through adulthood. Expect that you will need to buy another collar when your dog reaches adulthood (or perhaps before).

  3. Find a collar that leaves room for your puppy to grow. Puppies grow. Fast. While buying a cute and impossibly small collar might be tempting, it's better to choose a collar that will fit your dog in a couple of months.

    Puppies grow a lot, particularly in the first few months, so you want to make sure your puppy's collar is adjustable so that you can resize it as they grow. Usually, there is some overlap between sizing. If you can find a bigger collar that fits well, choose it over a smaller one that they will outgrow quickly.

  4. Size your puppy regularly. Because of your puppy's rapid and unpredictable growth pattern, you should be sizing its neck at least every two weeks. You should be able to slip two fingers underneath your dog's collar at any time.

Adjust your puppy's collar as needed or purchase a new one. Too small of a collar can choke your dog, cause skin irritation, or even obstruct breathing. If your dog seems like he is gasping for air or is having breathing issues, check to make sure his collar is not too tight.

Matching a Leash to Your Dog's Collar


While the options for dog leashes can be as extensive as choosing your dog's collar, you should consider how your dog's collar choice might affect the type of leash that is appropriate for your dog. Conveniently, many leashes are designed to match perfectly with your dog's collar.

Most standard leashes, like Rogz Nylon Leashes, are 6 ft long, but other styles of leashes like recall, retractable, and adjustable leashes are just a few of the many leash styles available. Choose the leash that best suits your and your dog's walking needs first, and look for fashion and style second.

Don’t Settle on Just One Collar

Ultimately, choosing the best collars for dogs comes down to five questions:

  1. What will your dog's collar primarily be used for everyday wear, fashion, swimming, walking at night, or training?
  2. What materials would be appropriate for your dog's collar function, your personal preference, and your dog's well-being?
  3. What, if any, considerations or accessories would enhance your dog's collar functionality?
  4. Is a dog harness appropriate?
  5. What kind of leash would work with my dog's collar?

If your dog has an active social life and participates in a variety of activities, then you shouldn’t settle on just one collar. A basic everyday collar is a staple, but training collars, light-up collars, or other styles are still good to have on hand too.

Now you should be fully equipped to begin shopping for your dog's perfect collar with confidence, knowing that you have educated yourself, explored all the options out there, and weighed the pros and cons of each. You've been warned about common dog collar buying and using mistakes, putting your dog's safety and well-being first.

What type of collar works best for your dog?以下のコメントでお知らせください。


市場には多くの犬用クレートが販売されていますが、子犬に適したクレートを購入する前に、いくつかの特徴を考慮する必要があります。 ゲストブロガー、デレクエジソンによる 犬を飼うことは素晴らしい経験です。彼らは家族にとてもよく溶け込んでいるので、あなたは彼らを家族の一員以上に扱います。 あなたの犬の仲間は保持力があり賢明な生物であるため、それらを管理することは多忙な作業ではありません。ただし、特定の状況では、それらを保持するのは少し面倒な場合があります。 たとえば、ゲストがあなたの家に到着すると、犬が不安になり、誤った行動を取り始める可能性があります。 そのような状況で彼らと友好的に共存


スマートな犬用首輪は、日常の犬のファッションと安全のアクセサリーであり、本格的なアップグレードが施されています。ジオフェンス、GPS、健康監視、活動追跡などの機能を備えたスマート犬用首輪は、犬と飼い主が安全で健康で幸せな状態を保つのに役立ちます。スマートテクノロジーやFidoでのWi-Fiの利用に不安を感じるかもしれませんが、私たち人間が生活を楽にするために使用しているすべての最新テクノロジーを利用して、人間の親友を連れて行くことを検討してみませんか? 2022年にシンプルになり、最高のスマートドッグカラーを切り上げたので、カートに追加する前にすべてのオプションを比較検討できます。 だから