アレルギーはすべての犬種に共通しているため、いくつかの一般的な症状とトリガーがあります.アレルギーは通常、犬が生後 6 か月を過ぎると現れますが、中には 1 ~ 2 歳になるまで起こらないものもあります。
探すべき症状とその引き金を知ることは、アレルギーを診断し、ビーグル犬に最適な治療を施すのに役立ちます.読み続けて、最も一般的なビーグル アレルギーとその対処法について学びましょう。
しかし、ビーグル犬も食物アレルギーに苦しむことがあります。これらのアレルギーの一般的なアレルゲンと治療法 (家庭と獣医の両方) について以下に概説します.
You can treat pesky skin allergies in a variety of ways. Although veterinary care is recommended for severe allergic reactions, at-home treatments offer immediate and preliminary care for these allergies.
Frequently with skin allergies, the allergen can be alleviated through shampooing your Beagle in allergy-removing, gentle-cleaning shampoo. Shampoos that are free of dyes, sulfates, and chemicals work well in reducing and treating environmental allergens.
Veterinarians will often prescribe topical analgesics to help relieve hot spots on your Beagle. However, several over-the-counter sprays and creams are also available. Sprays are generally recommended since they directly reduce the need to touch the hot spots.
Veterinarians will often prescribe anti-inflammatory treatments, like antihistamines or corticosteroids. A standard daily allergy pill is Apoquel®, while in some cases, a long-acting injection is prescribed, such as Cytopoint®.
Although bathing can be done at home, some veterinarians will have their own shampoo to bathe dogs in at their clinic. These shampoos can have anti-inflammatory components as well.
Another option is hyposensitization or desensitization therapy. After an allergen is detected, small injections of that allergen can be systemically injected into the patient, which can cause the immune system to acclimate to the allergen. The success rate varies, with 50% of dogs seeing improvement and 25% seeing a decrease in corticosteroid use.
Certain fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids also have natural anti-inflammatory properties and may be prescribed to help with inflammation. These acids produce no known side effects.
In addition to the common skin allergens listed above, there are several food-related allergens that Beagles can suffer from as well. However, like humans, almost any food can cause allergies in a Beagle. The most common food allergens include the following:
For food allergies, the best treatment is avoidance. However, along with this, diet and kibble choices can influence and reduce allergy occurrence in Beagles as well.
Careful attention to ingredients can prevent a food allergy from occurring. Although any kind of food can technically produce an allergy, the ingredients above often cause allergies in dogs. Several quality brands offer grain-free diets with all-natural ingredients.
In addition to paying attention to ingredients, a consistent and routine diet can help reduce the occurrence of allergies and even non-allergy problems such as gastrointestinal issues. Not feeding your Beagle human food helps with allergy reduction and will make it easier to identify the reaction should an allergy occur. Home-cooking your Beagle’s diet can ensure each ingredient is carefully selected, but it requires a little more work.
Often, veterinarians will have a recommended food brand for dogs who suffer from food allergies. These diets will usually be dye and additive-free, grain-free, and formulated for dogs who have sensitive stomachs. Veterinarians also recommend choosing food with organic and or all-natural ingredients without any preservatives.
Overall, a myriad of triggers causes allergies. Despite this, they are easily contained and have several treatment options that are effective and relatively inexpensive. Beagles are not suspected of having any unique allergies to the breed, so diagnosis and treatment are usually quick and easy.
Supervision and causation awareness is the paramount preventative for preventing allergies. A quick check throughout the house and keeping your Beagle clean is also an easy way to halt allergies.
重要なポイント あなたの毛皮のような友人があなたと同じようにアレルギーを経験できることを知っていましたか?犬の皮膚アレルギーは、ノミ、環境アレルゲン、および食事のタンパク質源が原因で発生する可能性があります。犬の皮膚アレルギーの症状は、抗ヒスタミン薬、抗生物質、免疫療法で治療することができます。しかし、アレルギーの回避は、アレルギー反応を防ぐ唯一の確実な方法です。 私たちと同じように、犬はアレルギーを経験する可能性があります。犬の皮膚アレルギーは、ペットに不快感やかゆみを与える可能性があります。これらのアレルギーはまた、皮膚の炎症、発赤、痛み、脱毛を引き起こす可能性があります。これは、一部に
犬(およびその獣医)が皮膚アレルギーのように髪を引き裂く原因となるものはほとんどありません。米国では、皮膚の状態が獣医の診察の最大の原因であり、これらの皮膚の問題のほとんどはアレルギーの症状です。犬のアレルギーの兆候には、かゆみ(そう痒症と呼ばれる)、発赤、脱毛、皮膚の損傷や感染などがあります。嘔吐、下痢、および体重減少は他の、しかしあまり一般的ではない影響であり、一般的に犬の食物アレルギーに関連しています。 犬にアレルギーを引き起こす原因 簡単に言えば、アレルギーは免疫システムがうまくいかなかった結果です。正常に機能している場合、免疫システムのエージェントが体をパトロールし、体内のすべて