オーストラリアン シェパードの成長と体重のグラフ:知っておくべきことすべて
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多くの場合、体重は 100 ポンドを超えます。カネ コルソの名前がラテン語で「護衛犬」に翻訳されるのは当然のことです。カネコルソは、恐れを知らぬ守護者として働いていた古代ローマまでさかのぼる高貴な背景を持っています。



  • カネコルソの成長と体重のグラフ
    • 男性のカネコルソのサイズ表
    • 女性のカネコルソのサイズ表
    • カネコルソ身長表
  • カネコルソは何歳で完全に成長しますか?
  • 生後 6 か月のカネコルソのサイズはどれくらいですか?
  • カネコルソはどれくらい大きくなりますか?
  • 成犬のカネコルソの大きさは?
  • カネコルソが健康であることを確認するにはどうすればよいですか?
  • 重要ポイント


Cane Corso は大型の使役犬種であり、幼い頃から思春期にかけて適切に訓練され、社会化されていないと、サイズと自己主張を管理するのが難しくなる可能性があります。他の大型番犬と同様に、子犬としての初期の訓練は、大人としての完全な力とサイズを管理するために不可欠です.

次の数値は推定値です これを使用して、Cane Corse の子犬の 6 か月後、1 年後などの体重を大まかに把握できます。あなたの子犬が平均的なカネコルソの体重よりも著しく重いか軽い場合は、獣医師に相談して、健康的な速度で成長していることを確認してください.それ以外の場合は、曲線よりわずかに上または下に落ちても気にしないでください。すべての子犬は異なる速度で成長します。

プロのヒント: 犬が病気やけがをしたときに、犬の獣医代の最大 90% の払い戻しを受けたいですか?今日のCane Corso健康保険オプションを比較してください.


年齢 体重
1 か月 20~28ポンド
2 か月 30~36ポンド
3 か月 35~40ポンド
4 か月 42~46ポンド
5 か月 48~55ポンド
6 か月 60~65ポンド
7 か月 65~70ポンド
8 か月 70~80ポンド
9 months 80 - 90 lbs
10 months 85 - 95 lbs
11 months 90 - 100 lbs
1 year 90 - 105 lbs
2 years 99 - 110 lbs

Female Cane Corso Size Chart

年齢 体重
1 month 16 - 25 lbs
2 months 26 - 32 lbs
3 months 30 - 37 lbs
4 months 36 - 43 lbs
5 months 42 - 50 lbs
6 months 55 - 60 lbs
7 months 60 - 65 lbs
8 months 65 - 72 lbs
9 months 68 - 75 lbs
10 months 75 - 82 lbs
11 months 80 - 90 lbs
1 year 85 - 95 lbs
2 years 88 - 99 lbs

Cane Corso Height Chart

年齢 Height
2 months 12 - 15 inches
3 months 14 - 17 inches
4 months 16 - 20 inches
6 months 21 - 24 inches
1 year 22 - 26 inches
2 years 23.5 - 27.5 inches

*The above height numbers are measured from the floor to a standing Cane Corso’s highest point at their shoulders.

At what age is a Cane Corso fully grown?

Most Cane Corso dogs will reach their full mature height around one year of age , but some may need up to two years to fill out their chest completely and reach their adult weight. Compared to smaller dog breeds, these large, working animals need more time to reach their maximum size.

As for height, Cane Corsos can grow up to an impressive 27.5 inches tall. They usually reach their adult height between one and two years of age.

カネコルソの成長と体重のグラフ:知っておくべきことすべて(Image Source:Unsplash)

How big should a 6-month-old Cane Corso be?

All puppies grow at different rates, but most Cane Corsos will be between 21 and 24 inches tall at six months old. Male puppies will weigh around 60 to 65 pounds, while six-month-old female Cane Corsos will weigh slightly less at 55 to 60 pounds.

プロのヒント: Download this new puppy checklist for a complete list of things to have on hand for your puppy, information on how to set up a vaccination schedule, and more!

How much bigger will my Cane Corso get?

There are several ways to estimate how much bigger your puppy will get.

The first way is based on your Cane Corso puppy’s age . Most Cane Corsos are fully grown at two years of age, if not slightly earlier. If your Cane Corso is less than a year old, they still have substantial growth left. If they’re between one and two years of age, they are likely still growing, but any additional development will be minimal.

Another option is to contact the Cane Corso breeder , if that's how you got your pup. They'll be able to give you a more precise estimate of the dog's maximum size because a puppy will rarely grow to be larger than its parent.

Lastly, you can take a look at your puppy’s paws . Do their paws look unproportionate compared to their legs and body? This is a classic puppy feature showing that your guy or gal still has some growing to do.

What is the size of a full-grown Cane Corso dog?

Cane Corsos are true giants of the dog world. According to the American Kennel Club Official Cane Corso standards, male Cane Corsos are typically 25 to 27.5 inches tall and weigh between 99 and 110, while females stand 23.5 to 26 inches tall weighing 85 to 99 pounds .

Avg. Male Cane Castro Avg. Female Cane Castro
99 - 110 lbs 85 - 99 lbs
25 - 27.5 in 23.6 - 26 in

Please keep in mind that these numbers are estimates, and some adult Cane Corsos may be smaller or larger due to genetic or environmental factors.

カネコルソの成長と体重のグラフ:知っておくべきことすべて(Image Source:Unsplash)

How do I make sure my Cane Corso is healthy?

Preventive care is always better than treatment. Preventive care, like early screenings, regular veterinary exams, and recommended diet and exercise can help your Cane Corso to avoid or minimize many health issues.

Like other purebred animals, Cane Corsos are more prone to some genetic health problems. In particular, the breed is more susceptible to canine hip dysplasia, which can lead to degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis. Per the Cane Corso Association of America, proper nutrition, weight maintenance, and appropriate exercises can help to prevent or minimize hip dysplasia in the breed. Your veterinarian is your best resource in choosing the ideal diet and exercise for your dog to avoid unwanted weight gain and health problems.

Cane Corsos are also prone to seizure disorders, particularly idiopathic epilepsy, a disorder where the cause of the seizure is unknown. Idiopathic epilepsy is diagnosed by a veterinarian and can be treated with medication.

Regular veterinary care can help to prevent and treat many health problems from dental disease to cancer. However, treatments and surgery can easily cost thousands of dollars, putting many pet parents in a pinch. When surveyed, only 19.44% of pet parents said they would be able to cover a $5,000 veterinarian bill, which is why pet insurance is so important.

Pet insurance works by reimbursing you for up to 90% of out-of-pocket veterinary costs, which gives you a safety net should the worst happen to your pet. Like people, dogs are living longer, which creates an even greater need for regular veterinary care to provide your pup with the best health care and quality of life.

ペット保険で安心 and your dog the chance to live their healthiest and happiest life. If your Cane Corso has an illness, accident, or injury, you and your veterinarian can focus on providing your pup with gold standard care, not worrying about the cost. Not only does pet insurance act as a safety net, but wellness plans are also available to make regular veterinary expenses, such as annual veterinarian exams, x-rays, and dental cleanings, more affordable.


We never know when the worst could happen to our beloved dog. Act now and set up a safety net for your pup’s long term health and wellbeing today.

Let us do the work of comparing pet insurance plans for you so that you can rest easy knowing that you have a safety net in place. Compare dog insurance plans today from the best Cane Corso pet insurance providers using Pawlicy Advisor so that you can have peace of mind knowing that your dog is covered!

Pawlicy Advisor のパーソナライズされた推奨事項により、犬の生涯を通じて保険料を最大 83% 節約できます。


  • The Cane Corso breed is very large, often standing at two-feet tall within six months of age and weighing well over 100 pounds at maturity.
  • Like other large breeds, the size of a Cane Corso places these dogs at greater risk of certain health concerns, such as hip dysplasia.
  • Pet insurance can help ensure you provide your dog with the best veterinary care so they can achieve optimal health.


派手な外見にもかかわらず、プードルは平均以上の知性を備えた優れたアスリートであり、アメリカン ケンネル クラブの最も人気のある犬種のトップ 10 にランクされています。プードルはもともとドイツでウォーターレトリーバー犬として飼育されていました。彼らの有名な華やかなコートは、重要な部分を極寒の冷たい水から保護し、暖かく保ち、自由に泳ぐことができるようにするという実用的な目的を持っていました.彼らは、アスリートやコンパニオンとして幸せな非常に用途の広い犬です。あなたがこれらの知的で誇り高い犬の幸運なペットの親である場合、私のプードルはどれくらい大きくなり、いつ成長が止まるのかと自問しているかもしれ


パグはピエロでいたずら好きな性質で知られており、子供と大人の両方にとって素晴らしいコンパニオン ドッグになっています。サイズが小さいため、アパートでの生活に最適な犬です。間抜けな性質にもかかわらず、パグはもともと中国の皇帝の仲間として飼育され、1 匹のパグが兵士の侵入から王子を救った後、オランダの王室オレンジ家のマスコットになりました。これらの愛情深い犬は、あなたの膝の上にいて、愛情が戻ってくるのが大好きです。あなたがこの愛情深い犬種の幸運なペットの親であるなら、うちのパグはどれくらいの大きさになり、いつ成長が止まるのだろうか? と自問しているかもしれません。 パグの成長について知っておく