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子犬を迎える前に知っておきたい 5 つのこと

他の多くの人と同じように、COVID-19 のロックダウン中にパンデミックの子犬を飼いました。間違いなく私の人生で最高の決断でしたが、犬を飼う前に知りたかったことがいくつかあります:

  • 事前に品種の要件を調査する必要があります
  • あなたの場所を子犬から守るのは冗談ではありません
  • 社交を始めるのに早すぎるということはありません
  • あなたも規律を持たなければなりません
  • ペットの子育ては非常に高くつきます
    • 最終的な考え


    子犬を選ぶ前に犬種を調べておくと役立ちます。 品種が異なれば、気質、運動要件、サイズ制限なども異なります。子犬の世話をするときは、これらすべてのニーズが満たされるようにするのがあなたの仕事です ですので、事前に知っておくことで、あなたとあなたの家族にぴったりの相手を見つけることができます。



    彼女の外見に基づいて、私は彼女がしなければならないと考えました 股関節形成不全の有病率が高い品種であるラブラドールレトリーバーを彼女のDNAに持っています.犬の股関節形成不全の治療費はかなり高額になる可能性があるため、彼女の DNA をテストして、この遺伝的状態のマーカーがあるかどうかを確認し、もしそうならそれに応じて予算を立てることにしました.

    私は幸運でした — 彼女の遺伝子構成には、一般的な健康問題を持つ犬種が含まれていませんでした.他のペットの親、特に純血種の親は、それほど幸運ではなく、獣医の訪問費用により多くのお金を費やすことになります.たとえば、私の友人もパンデミックの子犬を飼い、新しいフレンチ ブルドッグを飼ってから最初の 6 か月間で獣医に 6,000 ドル以上を費やさなければなりませんでした。


    好奇心は旺盛ですが、体の認識、手と目の協調、家でのしつけのエチケットに欠けている子犬は、噛んだり、たたいたり、おしっこをしたり、下を這ったりするものを見つける達人です .これは紛れもなく厄介なことです — 彼らの「罪悪感のある顔」がどんなにかわいくても — しかし、あなたの場所を子犬から保護することは、そのような時折の頭痛を避けるのに役立ちます.


    Start by scanning each area of your home from a “puppy perspective. ” Get on all fours to see your puppy’s point of view, what’s accessible, and what might be tempting just outside of their reach. Secure anything fragile, conceal all exposed cables, and remove everything unsafe to avoid taking your pet to the emergency room.

    3. It's Never Too Early To Start Socializing

    Many people, including myself, know that socializing a puppy — or introducing them to new experiences in a positive, constructivre way — is critical because a lack of socialization can increase the risk of behavioral problems , such as aggression, fear, and anxiety.

    However, I had no idea how quickly the ideal window for puppy socialization closes. Though our four-legged friends continue to process and make meaning of the big, wide world throughout their entire life, they form key associations with specific places, people, and things most strongly between three- and 16-weeks old .

    I was under the impression that I couldn’t help Zoey integrate and acclimate to her environment until she received all of her puppy vaccinations. Now I know that’s not necessarily the case; puppies can begin socializing after their first deworming and round of shots (though it’s best to avoid public places where you can’t confirm dogs’ vaccination status until your puppy is fully immunized ).

    I could (and should) have enrolled her into puppy training classes at a much younger age where she could learn obedience and interact with other pups. I also could have tried to cross off more experiences on the puppy socialization checklist by taking precautions against communicable diseases like parvo in puppies. Some examples might include bringing her more places in a pet carrier from where she could safely watch and observe, or pushing her in a grocery cart lined with a blanket to expose her to more people, sounds, and objects with wheels.

    There are a few things Zoey never encountered before her first birthday, so we’ll need to work a little harder to overcome her discomfort around those things so she can become a calm, confident dog. As it stands, people using walkers or wheelchairs, as well as men with very long beards trigger a fear response and make her uneasy.

    4. You Have To Be Disciplined, Too

    If you want a well-trained dog, it’ll require effort, patience, and discipline on your part, too — not just your puppy’s or their trainer’s. Zoey is a studio-trained dog who does occasional production work in Los Angeles, and though she may be the star of the show, I have to dedicate a ton of time to working with her everyday.

    You can’t just send them to puppy school and expect them to retain everything unless you make them repeatedly model the desired behaviors. Once you establish rules and boundaries, do your best to stick to them , at least until your puppy is mature enough to understand appropriate etiquette.

    If they’re not allowed to eat human food, don’t slide them an occasional scrap. Not allowed on the couch or bed? Then resist the occasional temptation to invite them up for a snuggle. Doing so might confuse your dog by telling them it’s okay sometimes , but not all the time. Make your commands clear and consistent, and if there are others in the house, ask that they also reinforce the rules.

    Dedicate time to obedience training everyday to shape your puppy’s desired behaviors. Three five-minute sessions are most effective to prevent burnout while maximizing knowledge retention, but don’t forget to give them lots of love and playtime in between for all their hard work.

    5. Puppy Parenting Can Get REALLY Expensive

    Even though the cost of adopting a puppy is significantly cheaper than buying one from a breeder, I was still very underprepared for just how expensive becoming a pet parent would be.

    Between the cost of vet visits to get Zoey back in good health, to the price of her professional dog training program, essential puppy supplies, plus all the toys and treats I spoil her with, I easily spent over $2,000 in the first year alone. For a dog about her size, cumulative care costs throughout her entire life are estimated to amount to approximately $15,782 or more.

    Fortunately, my pet insurance plan helped offset the appointments at her primary care vet by reimbursing me 80% of the bill after I paid my $200 deductible. I also got reimbursed $250 for the cost of spaying my puppy through the wellness plan I added onto my policy’s coverage. I’m lucky that I never had to take my pet to the emergency room, though, because unexpected vet visits are where the money can really add up fast , often costing more than $5,000 for a single hospitalization.

    Like most other pet parents, I don’t happen to have that kind of money set aside in case anything were to happen to Zoey. I couldn’t fathom the possibility of not being able to provide her the critical, potentially life-saving care she might need one day simply because I couldn’t afford it.

    That’s why I gladly pay a few bucks a month toward her pet insurance premium. It gives me peace of mind knowing that if my dog got hit by a car or had a bad injury, the most I would have to pay is $200 before my pet insurance coverage kicks in to help pay 80% vet bill . Depending on the plan you choose, your deductible could even be as low as $0, or your reimbursement rate could be as much as 100%.

    Final Thoughts

    My dog is my best friend and I would spare no expense to make sure she’s happy and healthy, but being financially protected relieves a great deal of stress. And since I used Pawlicy Advisor to buy pet insurance, I know that I’m enrolled in a great plan at the best guaranteed price.

    See if pet insurance is worth it for your situation, then get a free quote and enroll online in a matter of minutes. You can also head over to the blog to read additional dog care tips or learn more about how pet insurance works.


  • American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, “Puppy Socialization,” Accessed March 25, 2022.

  • American Kennel Club, “How Much Will You Spend on Your Dog in His Lifetime?” Accessed March 25, 2022.

  • あなたの子犬が行動するときにすべき5つのこと

    あなたは新しい子犬を養子にしたとき、あなたはあなたの成熟した犬のために良いことをしていると思いました。 「彼女は彼を愛するでしょう!」あなたは自分自身を保証しました。 「それは彼女を若くて活発に保つでしょう。」しかし、あなたの先輩の女の子は、彼を愛するのではなく、この若い新興企業が彼女の尻尾の痛みであることを不確かな言葉であなたに知らせました。 何をする あなたの厄介な子犬やアクティブな青年があなたの落ち着いた先輩の人生を悲惨にしているときにあなたはしますか?役立つ5つのことを次に示します。 1。成熟した犬を保護します。 ある程度、成犬は、彼らが不快であるとき、若者に適切に知らせることを許さ


    あなたが話している品種や品種の組み合わせは関係ありません。子犬は間違いなく、不可能で、愛らしいかわいいです。あなたは、無邪気な顔、甘い子犬の息、サニーな耳、そして柔らかいピンクの足の裏で、赤ちゃんの犬にうんざりしないように、かなり心のこもった、寒い、または感情的に傷つけられている必要があります。人々がそれらを採用または購入し、家に持ち帰り、そしてそれらを適切に世話する方法を知らないことがよくあるのも不思議ではありません。 私を驚かせるべきではありませんが、それでも、子犬を適切に育てる方法についての手がかりを持っていないように見える人々があまりにも多くいることは確かです。 Whole Dog