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役に立つ子猫のアド​​バイスをまとめました 知っておく必要がある子猫のケアのすべての基本的な側面をカバーしています。

  • 新しい子猫の準備方法
  • 発育の各段階における子猫の世話方法
  • 生後 1 年間の子猫の世話のマイルストーン
  • 子猫の基本的なニーズを満たす
  • 社交的な子猫の育て方
  • 子猫の衛生管理方法
  • すべてのペットの親が知っておくべき子猫のケアに関する最終的なヒント
  • 子猫の世話に関するよくある質問



子猫は遊び好きで好奇心旺盛なので、トラブルに巻き込まれる可能性があります 適切な予防措置を講じない限り。したがって、子猫を家に持ち帰る前に、家を子猫から保護し、新しいペットを注意深く監視して、子猫があなたのものを破壊したり、さらに悪いことに怪我をしたりしないようにする必要があります.


  • 子猫の視点から家を調べて、小さな穴、高い場所、壊れやすいものなどを特定します。
  • 子猫の引っかき傷から家具やラグを保護
  • ケーブルやワイヤーを子猫が噛むのを防ぐ
  • キャビネットやその他の危険なスペースの確保
  • 有毒成分や洗浄剤を片付ける
  • 小さな有害なアイテムがないか家を掃除する
  • ガレージから危険な化学薬品や道具をすべて撤去する
  • 子猫を裏庭に入れないようにし、肥料を慎重かつ控えめに使用する



食べ物、水、ボウル、トイレ、猫用ベッドなどの必需品だけでなく、首輪や識別タグ、ノミのくし、グルーミング ブラシ、爪切り、爪とぎ台などの必須ではないアイテムについても考える必要があります。おもちゃ。




あなたの家への旅行はできるだけ快適であるべきです。 タオルを置く 以前は、子猫の家族や犬小屋の内部を猫キャリアでこすり、子猫を慎重に中に入れていました。 キャリアの上部を取り外します 子猫が中に入るのを拒否した場合に、ドアから小突くのではなく、


家に帰ったら、子猫とキャリアを小さくて静かな部屋に置きます 家の中(例えば、バスルームや洗濯室)。ドアを開けて、子猫がキャリアから出てくるまでしばらく待ちます。キャリーの入り口の近くに新鮮な水、食べ物、トイレを用意し、猫が好きなように部屋を探索できるようにします .


子猫が静かな部屋に慣れたら、家の残りの部屋に 1 つずつ紹介します。 . 他のペットを飼っている場合は、ゆっくり安全に紹介してください .新しい子猫を紹介するときは、犬や猫をひもでつなぐか、誰かに抱っこしてもらいます。ペットがお互いを調査できるようにし、差し迫った敵意の兆候が検出された場合にのみ介入します。


子猫を監督できないときに子猫を預けることができる安全で安全な環境を作ります .このエリアには、フード ボウル、ウォーター ボウル、トイレ、おもちゃ、休憩場所を用意する必要があります。



隠れ場所から出るように子猫に圧力をかけないでください あなたの家での最初の数日間。代わりに、新しいペットにアピールしたい場合は、子猫レベルで床に時間を費やしてください。また、部屋に一斉に押し寄せるのではなく、家族が個別に訪問できるようにします。

理想的には、子猫が開始したときに処理を行う必要があります 最初の数日間。最初の 48 時間以降は、頻繁に身体を接触させるのではなく、1 日を通して子猫と少しだけ触れ合ってください。幼い子供がいる場合は、猫が過度に扱われるのを避けるために、最初は監視された最小限の子猫とのやり取りのみを許可してください。


子猫のすべてのニーズに適したはけ口を特定して提供することが、問題行動を防ぐための鍵となります。家に帰ったその日から、安全で受け入れやすい遊びを奨励 あなたとあなたの猫の生活がずっと楽になります。

動き回るおもちゃ、ミニチュア ライト、または杖を使って略奪的な遊びのセッションを提供することを検討してください。また、餌を探すおもちゃの中に食べ物を提供したり、箱や紙袋の中におやつを隠したりして、子猫の調査への関心を高めることを検討してください。

代替手段を登ったり、ポストに引っかき傷を付けたりすると、家具の破壊を防ぐのに役立ちます .非常に社交的で遊び好きな猫は、安全なヒエラルキーが作られている限り、社交的で遊び好きな猫を 2 匹家に飼うことも有益です。



子猫がこれらの行動を示し始めたら、部屋を出てください 即座に静かに、すべてのやり取りを停止します。子猫が落ち着いて静かになったら、交流を再開します。

人や財産に対する子猫の行動が容認できない場合は、しつけが必要かもしれませんが、罰は避けるべきです。 しっかり「ダメ!」必要なのはこれだけかもしれません あなたの子猫を止めるために。 拍手するか、別の大きな音を立てることができます




生まれたばかりの子猫は母親に完全に依存しています 食事、暖かさ、バスルームのサポート、掃除に。 生まれたばかりの子猫を一度に数分間扱うことができます if the mother is okay with it. Early engagement with newborn cats can help lay the groundwork for a future companion that is happy and well-adjusted.

Wondering how to help a cat weaned too early? Kittens should ideally stay with their mothers for at least eight weeks so that they can get the full benefit of the mothers' milk, which contains important antibodies.

If a newborn kitten is orphaned, they will need to be bottle-fed with kitten formula every two hours, kept at an appropriate temperature, and stimulated to go to the bathroom.

How to take care of a 2-week-old kitten

2-week-old kittens may begin taking a dewormer . Talk with your veterinarian about a kitten deworming schedule. Your kitten’s eyes should be open by this point. If they are not open by day 10, try gently wiping the lids clean with a wash cloth.

How to take care of a 3-week-old kitten

At this age, you can place a kitten-safe litter box in their environment. 3-week-old kittens start controlling their own potty breaks, so there’s no need to specifically "train" them. If you are bottle-feeding the kittens, you can scale back to four to six hours between meals .

How to take care of a 4-week-old kitten

4-week-old kittens should become used to being around and handled by people . At this stage, you may also try introducing them to new sounds and toys . Orphan kittens of this age should be bottle-fed every five hours , including overnight.

How to take care of a 5-week-old kitten

5-week-old kittens may begin the weaning process . At this age, kittens should be offered a mix of solid kitten food mixed with kitten formula or kitten food soaked in water until soft in addition to access to their mother’s milk or a bottle if orphaned. If the kitten is weaned, food and water should be provided at all times.

How to take care of a 6-week-old kitten

If they are weaned, 6-weeks old kittens should be given plenty of wet kitten food. Ensure that they have constant access to food, water, and a suitable litter box . To protect kittens against viruses, they should receive their first FVRCP vaccine at the age of six weeks (rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia).

How to care for a kitten from 2 to 3-months-old

At 2 to 3 months of age, your kitten should get their initial vaccines . They should also be eating solid canned food or kibble about 4 times a day . 8-week-old kittens can be slowly introduced to other pets .

Gently play with your kitten at least once a day so they’ll bond with you but don’t take it personally if they are not interested in playing with you. After your kitten is about 12 weeks old, they will probably be more interested in playing with objects even more than other cats. Use food and treats to teach and reward good behavior .

How to care for a kitten from 4 to 6-months-old

At 4 to 6 months of age, your kitten should eat a combination of wet and dry formulas three times per day . By the time they’re six months old, female kittens should be spayed and male kittens neutered , provided they are healthy and weigh two lb. Like humans, a kitten's first set of teeth is replaced by their adult teeth, so it is important to start and keep up with dental care regularly at home.

Kitten care milestones for the first year of life

First vet visit

During the first vet visit, the vet will ensure that your kitten is healthy and clear of parasites that can be transmitted to humans, such as intestinal parasites and fleas. Detecting viral illnesses like feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus might help you plan how they will interact with your other cats.

The vet will also check for congenital abnormalities and health issues in cat breeds like a heart murmur, hernia, or cleft palate during the physical exam, and will give your kitten a full round of immunizations and boosters, which will need to be repeated at least once a year after that.

Pet insurance enrollment

Consider enrolling in cat insurance while your feline friend is still young and healthy. Pet insurance helps you save on unexpected veterinary bills by reimbursing you for the cost of covered services.

Most insurance plans for treatments related to illnesses and/or accidents, but you can also purchase a wellness add-on to reimburse preventive care costs.

Core kitten vaccinations

Even indoor cats and kittens require protection from pathogens that can be carried in on your shoes or by other pets in your household. Core kitten vaccines include feline panleukopenia (a parvovirus, also known as feline distemper), feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus, and rabies.

Vaccinations should begin at 6–8 weeks of age and be repeated every 3–4 weeks until the kitten reaches the age of 16 weeks. In a year's time, this initial course will need to be boosted again, and then at intervals after that (as recommended by your veterinarian).


Microchipping is an essential way to identify your pet if they escape or get lost. The microchip can be inserted under the skin during vaccinations or while your kitten is sedated for spaying/neutering.

Spay or neuter procedure

Sterilization, i.e. spaying or neutering should be done before the kitten matures into an adult capable of having kittens. Female cats can become sexually mature from just four months of age, whereas males reach sexual maturity at about seven to nine months.

Preventive kitten care

Flea and tick prevention

Fleas and ticks are one of the most common parasitic dangers for cats. If left untreated, these external parasites can cause infestation, discomfort, skin issues, and disease.

There are many different safe and effective flea and tick treatment solutions for kittens available, both prescription and over-the-counter. Talk to your vet about your feline friend's lifestyle and proper flea and tick prevention .

Heartworm prevention

In addition to worms/intestinal parasites, your kitten can contract heartworms. If a cat develops heartworm disease, there’s no treatment. Therefore, we recommend consistent heartworm prevention for cats and kittens, even those living indoors .

Annual wellness exam

All cats should visit their veterinarian for a routine wellness exam at least once a year . This annual wellness exam for pets establishes a baseline of the cat's optimal physical state, allowing the primary care vet to quickly notice changes in the cat's health status during an emergency or illness.

Caring for a kitten’s basic needs

Quality nutrition

Kittens under one year should be fed high-quality commercial kitten food to make sure that a balanced diet is provided. Avoid giving unsafe food for cats and cow’s milk and instead provide access to clean, fresh water at all times.

Wet vs dry cat food

Whether you feed your kitted dry or wet cat food is a personal decision that should be based on which one best suits your kittens and your lifestyle. Both dry and wet food designed especially for kittens has extra minerals, vitamins, protein, and extra fat to help them grow big and strong.

Litter box and toileting

If possible, start out using a litter your kitten is already used to . Place the litter box in a quiet corner, away from water and food , and where your pet won’t be disturbed when they need to use the toilet. Be sure to keep the litter box clean by pooper scooping every day.

Sleep and safety

Provide a quiet and cozy area for your kitten to snuggle down safely. You can use a cardboard box lined with fleece or a comfortable bed with bedding that’s safe and can be easily washed.

Little kittens need to sleep a lot because they have a lot of growing to do. Don't wake your kitten up and wait for them to come out to play. For their own safety, consider keeping your cat indoors and away from any outdoor hazards .

Scratch posts and scratching

Scratching is normal behavior for cats to keep their nails healthy and to exhibit natural behaviors. A scratching pole (or several scratching poles) should be placed throughout the house to keep your kitten from scratching and damaging your furniture . Cover the furniture with protective material if your kitten begins to scratch it, and provide lots of appropriate alternatives to divert their scratching behavior.

Climbing and perching

You’re probably already aware that cats love to climb, so be sure to provide your kitten with a tall cat tree , preferably one with numerous raised levels for them to perch on. This will prevent your feline friend from climbing the drapes while at the same time satisfying their natural desire to be high up.

Toys and play

Another thing that kittens love is playing because it allows them to practice their hunting skills . Give your kitten a variety of safe toys to chase, toss, swat, and pounce and play with them for several minutes at a time throughout the day. This will provide your kitten with necessary activity, keep them from becoming bored, and allow them to bond with you.


Kitten socialization is essential when it comes to raising a kitten who will become a well-behaved, healthy adult cat. However, keep in mind that cats have a very short socialization phase, which means that the first 4-16 weeks of life are a critical time for social and behavioral development .

The training and socialization your feline friend receives during kittenhood will influence how well they will interact with people and other pets when they grow up, so do everything you can to get your kitten exposed to as much as possible – strangers, loud noises, walking on leashes, other animals, children, etc. to help them become a better-adjusted adult cat. Just ensure that your kitten has a positive experience out of any socialization exposure you provide.

How to raise a social kitten

Kittens require a lot of love and interaction from their parents. The more gentle petting they receive from you, the friendlier and more social they’ll become . Every day, devote two or three sessions to petting and handling your kitten. When the veterinarian needs to inspect them, this will make them feel more at ease. Rubbing their paws and toes will help them relax when it's time to cut their claws.

Introduce your kitten to guests visiting. Try to expose your pet to people of various ages, ethnicities, sizes, and sexes as they grow up, as they might develop a fear of humans if they meet too few of them. If there are children in the house, all interactions should be supervised , and you should teach them how to handle your kitten in a safe, respectful, and proper manner.

How to take care of a kitten’s hygiene


Introduce your kitten to a comb and brush from a young age and allow them to play with the tools so that they grow comfortable with them.

Begin grooming your baby pet as soon as possible so that the grooming sessions become a pleasurable bonding experience and a part of everyday maintenance.

Reward your pet with a treat, patting, or vocal praise for allowing you to groom them. This will teach your kitten that grooming is a good thing, making it easy for both of you.

Dental care

By the age of three, more than half of all cats will have dental problems. If left untreated, this can have a devastating impact on your feline companion's health and could result in early death due to severe inflammation, kidney disease, or heart problems.

Brushing a cat's teeth on a daily basis is ideal , but once a week is more realistic. Try to get your kitten accustomed to having their teeth brushed early on. Start by putting flavored gel treats on the toothbrush and letting your kitten lick it off, then gradually work your way up to brushing their teeth.

Cat baths

Many pet parents wonder if kittens need baths, and the answer is not really. In general, cats don’t need to be bathed on a regular basis and most of them actually find bathing quite stressful. Therefore, you should avoid bathing unless recommended by your veterinarian for medical reasons.

Final kitten care tips all pet parents should know

Don’t forget to set time aside to play with your kitten every day . Not only is playing fun, but it also alleviates boredom, reduces bad behavior, teaches your kitten coordination, and helps socialize them.

Think about whether you’re going to let your cat venture outside . Studies show that indoor felines have less risk of injuries, parasites, and infection compared to those allowed outdoors.

However, staying indoors also has risks , such as behavior problems and obesity. Partial outdoor access might be the best solution for better physical and mental wellbeing, but your cat should never be left without supervision.

FAQs on Kitten care

Where should kittens sleep at night?

The best place for a kitten to sleep is a warm, safe, and draught-free spot . For the first few nights, it's okay to keep the kitten near you .

How long do kittens sleep?

Young kittens tend to sleep more than adult cats. A kitten will often sleep for 16 to 20 hours per day and spend the rest in nonstop activity.

When do kittens start walking?

Most kittens begin walking when they’re about three weeks old , although coordination takes a bit longer. You can safely assume that a kitten who is walking and playing is at least four weeks old.

What does a kitten need?

According to AAHA, some of the most essential items your kitten will need include kitten food, bowls, litter box, brush, cat bed, toys, a scratching post or scratching pad, a safety cat collar with an ID tag, and a travel carrier.

How much to feed a kitten?

Young kittens typically eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food at a time . If your kitten is underweight, the daily calorie requirement may need to be increased. If, on the other hand, your kitten is gaining too much weight too rapidly, you'll need to reduce the amount of food they are consuming.

If you are not sure how much food is enough for your kitten, talk to your vet or use our kitten feeding chart . The vet will use a tool called a body condition score to assess your pet’s weight and recommend an adequate amount of food.

How to raise a kitten to be cuddly?

According to VCA Hospitals, “In order for the cat to learn to accept and enjoy physical contact from people, it is critical that the human hand only be associated with positive experiences and that physical punishment is not used.”

Pet your kitten, speak to them in a gentle voice, scratch them behind the ears, and give them a gentle squeeze . Every cat has certain body regions that are more sensitive than others, so try to figure out where they don't want to be touched and avoid that area. Most cats are more sensitive to their bellies. For reluctant kittens, consider using treats during the petting sessions.

How do you train a kitten?

Reward-based training is the most effective and humane way to train pets , according to the RSPCA. It involves rewarding your cat when they perform a ‘desired’ behavior. Rewards can be in the form of patting, treats, or verbal praise.

When does a kitten become a cat?

Your kitten will have grown into an adult cat after a year . They will be playful and well socialized at this age, as well as healthy, with a shiny coat, strong muscles, and great hunting instincts.


かわいくてかわいい毛皮のボールを家に持ち帰ることはエキサイティングですが、彼を幸せで安全に保つには、家族全員のチームの努力が必要です。あなたの子猫は、彼のなじみのない新しい場所に移動する間、あなたに完全に依存します。 成猫とは異なり、子猫は好奇心旺盛で活発な性質を持っているため、より多くの世話と監督が必要です。新しい子猫の世話をし、新しい子猫の到着を簡単にするためのヒントをいくつか紹介します。 コンテンツ 1子猫に哺乳瓶を与える方法は? 2子猫が「行く」のを助ける 3哺乳瓶で飼育されている子猫を離乳させる方法は? 4結論 5つのアイテムが必要です 6獣医を選ぶ 7高品質の食品を提供す

ペット ウサギ ケア ガイド !ペットのウサギの世話をする方法
ペット ウサギ ケア ガイド !ペットのウサギの世話をする方法

ウサギは非常に活発な哺乳類であり、邪魔をしないように歩き回ることを好みます。彼らは歩き回るのにオープンな場所を好み、ペットのウサギのレースはこれが起こるのに適した場所です.レースで最も重要な部分はもちろんフロアです。快適なフロアは、より多くのランニングとより多くの楽しみを促進します。 脱水症状 皮膚の弾力性: 十分に水分を含んだウサギの皮膚は、ゆるくなく、きつく弾力があります。首の後ろなど、肌を傷つけないところをそっと引っ張ります。肌がすぐに元の位置に戻った場合、肌は十分に潤っています。皮膚が緩んでいて、挟んだ場所に高い折り目が残っている場合、ペットのウサギは脱水状態になり、すぐに行動を起