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犬の通常の体温は華氏 101.5 度です。妊娠中の犬の体温は、出産の 12 ~ 24 時間前に劇的に低下することがよくあります。予定日の約1週間前に、1日2回、犬の体温を測り始めます。測定値が 98-99 F の範囲である場合は、すぐに子犬が生まれることを期待してください。




犬の妊娠 4 週間後に獣医師に超音波検査を予約します。超音波は:

  • あなたの犬が妊娠していることを確認してください
  • 真の妊娠と偽妊娠を見分ける
  • 一腹の子犬の数についておおまかな目安を教えてください
  • Determine if the puppies have heartbeats

Blood tests for pregnancy can be run about 30 days after a dog has been bred but they don’t give as much information as an ultrasound, so they aren’t used as frequently.

Around Seven Weeks After Breeding

Abdominal radiographs (x-rays) taken a week or two before your dog’s due date are worth their weight in gold. At this point, the puppies’ skeletons show up well on radiographs. Your veterinarian can give you an accurate puppy count, which will let you know when your dog is done giving birth, as opposed to needing help to complete the process. If one or more puppies are exceptionally large, a cesarian section (C-section) may be necessary.

Unwanted Pregnancies in Dogs

You have a few options if you’ve just found out that your dog is pregnant but don’t want puppies. Pregnant dogs can be spayed, which will terminate the current pregnancy and prevent future ones. This is generally a better option early in a pregnancy. Medical pregnancy termination is also possible but is usually only considered for dogs who are part of a breeding program.

Of course, allowing the pregnancy to go to term is also possible, but you’re going to have lots of responsibilities during the next four months or so, including:

  • Taking care of your dog during her entire pregnancy
  • Monitoring the birthing process
  • Taking care of your dog and her puppies for around eight weeks after birth
  • Getting all the dogs any necessary veterinary care
  • Finding good homes for the puppies

It’s always best to spay and neuter dogs before an unwanted pregnancy occurs.

How to Take Care of a Pregnant Dog

Few changes are required during the first six weeks of a dog’s pregnancy. Keep an eye on her health and well-being and feed her normal amounts of a high-quality, nutritionally complete and balanced adult dog food. She can continue her regular activities but don’t introduce anything new.

At the six-week mark, it’s time to gradually transition your dog to a puppy or all life stages food and to start feeding smaller meals more frequently. She’s going to need extra calories as her pregnancy advances and especially after she starts nursing her litter. Many dogs should also be dewormed to help protect the pups from intestinal parasites.

Pregnant dogs can continue to exercise but shouldn’t do anything too strenuous—leash walks are great! Keep your dog away from other dogs during the last three weeks of her pregnancy to prevent canine herpes virus infection, which can lead to stillbirths and neonatal death. Mom and pups should be isolated for another three weeks after birth.

Set up your dog’s whelping box at least a week before her due date so she feels comfortable in it before she goes into labor.

Talk to Your Veterinarian

Your veterinarian is the best source of information that is tailored to your dog’s particular needs. Talk to your vet early on in your dog’s pregnancy so you can plan for her care before, during, and after the big day.


時々、すべての犬は水を飲むことを拒否します。彼が手術から回復している場合でも、気分が悪い場合でも、犬が脱水状態になっているかどうかを確認する方法を知る必要があります。 より深刻な健康問題を防ぐために。脱水症状はすぐに始まる可能性があるため、すべてのペットの飼い主は、探すべき兆候、何をすべきか、いつ獣医の世話をするべきかを知っていることが不可欠です。 通常、犬が水を飲むのを控えるのは健康上の問題です。飲まないとすぐに脱水症状になるので、これは大きな問題です。犬の水分摂取量の急激な変化(飲酒量に関係なく)が24時間以上続くことに気付いた場合は、獣医に相談することをお勧めします。 飲料水を嫌う理


重要なポイント 猫の妊娠は見つけるのが難しい場合がありますが、猫の妊娠期間は短いため、猫ができるだけ早く妊娠しているかどうかを判断するのが最善です。猫の妊娠の兆候には、体重増加、腫れ、乳首の黒ずみ、食欲の変化、睡眠の変化、愛情のこもった行動などがあります。 野良猫を救助したか、友人の同腹児から猫を養子にしたかに関わらず、まだ避妊去勢手術や避妊去勢手術を受けていない場合は、猫に新しい子猫の同腹児が生まれることを知ることは間違いありません。雌猫は、猫が妊娠できないように子宮、卵巣、卵管を取り除く手順で避妊去勢手術(避妊去勢手術とは雄動物を指します)されます。 猫は、他の健康状態から回復し