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犬を飼う前に知っておくべき 18 のこと



犬を飼う前に知っておくべきこと …そんなに難しくないですよね?ペットショップやシェルターに行って、子犬を家に連れて帰り、その後ずっと幸せに暮らしていますか?


私たちは犬の世話をする準備ができていませんでした。振り返ってみると、なぜその人が私たちにシベリアン ハスキーの子犬を売ったのかわかりません。彼らは、私たちが大局を見ていない、ほんの数人の大学生に過ぎないことを理解できませんでしたか?簡単に言えば、卒業後、家に戻り、ルームメイトに犬を預けました。その犬は逃げて二度と戻ってこないことを後で知りました。彼女がもっと良い家を見つけてくれることを祈ります。




犬は社交的な動物で、あなたと一緒にいたいと思っています。 24 時間年中無休で一緒にいなければならないというわけではありませんが、仕事に行く前に犬の散歩や餌やりの計画を立てる必要があります。







3.犬の寿命は 10 ~ 20 年

長期的に考えてください。あなたの人生の計画は何ですか?大学生の場合、両親と一緒に家に帰る予定はありますか?大学卒業後、あなたの人生はどのようになりますか? 1日10時間労働?仕事の後、毎晩友達と出かけますか?

10年以内に結婚して子供を産むと思いますか?赤ちゃんが生まれたからといって、犬を手放せるわけではありません。 Make sure you find a family-friendly dog even if you don’t have kids yet.

4. Renting and having a dog

If you are renting your home, does your landlord allow dogs? Will you need to move to a home within the next 10-15 years that does not allow dogs? Being a foster home, this is one of the most common excuses I hear for surrendering a dog! That doesn’t mean you can’t adopt a dog if you rent… it just means that you will need to be aware that the options of moving to a new apartment may be more difficult when you have a dog.

5. Dogs are expensive

Can you afford a dog? I’m not talking just adoption fees. Even if you find a dog for “free”, you will have to pay for food, vet care, training and so much more. Here is a short list of some costs involved in adopting and owning a dog:

  • Adoption fee:$100-$400
  • Spay or Neuter (most rescues and shelters take care of this for you before adoption) $300-$450
  • Dog food:depending on the size of your dog, can be $20 – $80 per month
  • Collar, leash, ID tag, toys, bones, dog bed, crate $100-$300
  • Annual checkup and vaccinations at the veterinarian:$150+/year
  • Monthly heartworm medication:depends on the size of the dog $35/6 months
  • Monthly flea and tick prevention:depends on the size of the dog $65/6 months
  • Grooming:baths, nail trim, etc. if you don’t plan on doing it yourself, can be $20+/month
  • Training Classes:$125 or more for a 6-week class

And it doesn’t end there. There are so many hidden costs of owning a dog. A few of our extra expenses have been a bigger SUV, agility classes, extra carpets, special cleaning products, dog massage therapy, baby gates, extra crates, allergy medication, dog playpens, and cargo liners for our cars.

Note:I order all our dog food and supplies online at Chewy.com . Their prices are equal and sometimes even cheaper than Amazon. Plus Chewy has awesome customer service with 1-2 day free shipping.

Take a Look at the Dog Food Deals on Chewy !

6. Be patient, expect the worst

Shelter dogs need time to adjust to new homes. Don’t expect to bring home a dog that has been tossed from home to shelter to home to immediately be your best friend.

If you join our Facebook group and read the comments and questions for the community you will see many people struggling with their dog transitioning to a new home.

Plan on 3 months before the dog relaxes and trusts you. Not all dogs, will need this much time, but many wills.

Recommended Just for you: Bringing Home a Rescue Dog and the 3-3-3 Rule

7. Some dogs have more energy than others

What energy level dog fits your lifestyle? Different breeds have different temperaments and exercise needs. Do a little research before falling in love with that adorable-looking face.

For my family, we have found that Labrador retrievers are the best dogs for our lifestyle. They are energetic yet can curl up next to you at the end of the day. Labs are so popular for families, but it’s also important to realize that yes, they are great dogs… they do require a lot of exercise. Oh, and they shed like crazy!

Recommended Just for you: How to personality test a new puppy before adopting him.

8. Puppy vs. Dog

Compare your options for adopting a puppy vs. a young dog vs. a senior dog. Puppies require a lot of work when it comes to potty training and obedience. They need to be let outside a lot! They chew and mouth. If you don’t want your things chewed up or don’t have the time or money to train a puppy, highly consider adopting an adult dog.

Young adult dogs (1-6 years old), are usually already potty and sometimes obedience trained. This is a great option if you still want a lot of energy in your dog and are willing to exercise and train as needed.

There are a lot of senior dogs that need homes too! Senior dogs have so many benefits , they are usually already potty and obedience trained and require less exercise.

9. You will need to dog/baby proof your house

Yes, even if you adopt an adult dog, puppy-proofing your house is a must. Cords, medicines, chocolate, and plants , all can be deadly in the wrong situation. Check your house, crawl on your hands and knees and what do you see?

Lucky for you we have a Puppy Proofing Checklist .

10. Adopting vs buying a dog

Is it better to adopt a dog or buy one ? The answer to this question depends on what you are looking for in a dog.

If money is a deciding factor, then adopting a dog will be cheaper than buying a dog from a breeder.

Will your dog need to perform a specific job for you? Do you need this dog’s personality to be predictable? Then buying a dog from a reputable  breeder may be the best choice.

There is nothing like the feeling you get from giving a dog a second chance in life. It’s one of the most heart-warming, fulfilling experiences you will ever have.

Adopting a dog may not offer the predictability of buying a dog since you won’t know the dog’s parents or history.

Some adopted dogs have had a terrible life before getting adopted and these dogs require a lot of rehabilitation. This can be good or bad, again, depending on what you are expecting from this dog.

Whether you are adopting a rescue dog or buying a dog, there is never a guarantee this dog will be exactly what you want.

It doesn’t matter if you choose to buy a puppy from a breeder or adopt a puppy from a rescue, the first and most important step is to find a reputable  breeder or rescue. And NEVER buy a puppy from a pet store!

If you choose to adopt or buy a dog, do your research, research, and more research before choosing your dog.

Recommended Just for you:

  • Is it OK to get a dog from a breeder?
  • The True Meaning of #AdoptDontShop
  • Choosing a child-friendly dog

11. Rescue dogs come with baggage

Some rescue dogs indeed have separation anxiety, resource guarding, and potty accidents… but these same issues can occur in a purchased puppy from a breeder.

Are you ready to deal with these issues and seek professional help if needed? Don’t expect your new dog to be perfect, he may be perfect for you, but no one is ever perfect!

Recommending reading:

  • Your reactive dog (socialize, training, chart)
  • Rescue Dog Separation Anxiety Solutions
  • Adopting a fearful dog and how to help

12. There is no such thing as perfect

Just like people, dogs aren’t perfect. We all have our faults, and so do dogs. They may have potty accidents, chew your shoes, get sick, and have behavior issues! Are you willing to train your dog? And if necessary, work with a professional trainer or behaviorist?

If your dog gets bored, he will be mischievous! Plan to keep him busy! Also, plan on your dog shedding… unless you find a non-shedding breed, anticipate a house full of hair.

13. Walking your dog is not an option

Dogs need to get outside of the confinement of your house and backyard. Even if you do have a yard, most dogs need a daily walk. Can you commit to walking your dog every day before and after work?

Every dog is different but be prepared to take at least a 30-minute walk each day.

Recommended Just for you: How often you should walk your dog and why.

14. Training a puppy or dog is a daily, lifetime commitment

Training your dog is NOT an option. I think a lot of people that get a dog have an idea of how they want that dog to behave. TV shows and movies put this picture-perfect dog in our heads, that runs around off-leash, comes when called, and never gets into trouble! But the fact is those TV dogs have been through many, many hours of training to behave that way. Dogs aren’t born to understand people, it’s our job to train our dogs to understand us.

So please don’t expect to adopt a dog, walk through your front door, and be perfect. This doesn’t mean you have to attend expensive puppy classes. You may decide training your dog at home is a better fit. Even if you do attend dog training classes, the training doesn’t stop after those 6 weeks are done. Training occurs all day every day, with every action you take.

Recommended reading:  How to train your dog in just 3 minutes a day.

15. Hair, nails, teeth, oh my!

Dogs need grooming. You may not need to brush your dog daily if he has short hair, but you still need to trim his nails, brush his teeth, give him medicine if he gets sick, and bathe him when he gets muddy.

Trimming a dog’s nails can be one of the most challenging parts of keeping your dog healthy. So many people struggle with nail trimming, and I’m one of them. We have one dog that doesn’t care and another dog that would rather die than have her nails trimmed!

Recommended reading:

  • The best dog toothpaste [vet recommended dental care]
  • 7 Important Dog Bath Tips

16. Dog hair will become an accessory

うん。 Dog hair everywhere. On your clothes, on your floor, couch, bed, food, and in your car. If you are a clean freak, a dog may not be the best choice.

I swear I can spend hours cleaning and the dogs walk across the floor and I wonder why I just cleaned. But I love them despite the balls of fur rolling across the floor.

17. Say goodbye to your lush green lawn

Is having a green lush lawn important to you? Okay, so part of having a dog is NOT having a pretty backyard. I’ve tried over and over to make our backyard grass grow thick green grass. But with two dogs running around playing, it’s just going to happen.

Spraying chemicals are out of the question now too. I know some companies claim they are pet safe… but do you want your dog eating those chemicals? Because dogs eat grass, and they walk in the grass, come inside and lick their paws.

Recommended just for you: 5 Simple Ways to Stop Your Dog’s Pee from Killing Your Grass

18. A dog is man’s best friend

There’s no denying it, dogs are our best friends. They have a way of stealing our hearts in a blink of an eye. They love us unconditionally, will listen to your complaints about your bad day, lower your heart rate, lick your face, and curl up next to you when you aren’t feeling well.

With all, that love will eventually come heartache when you have to say goodbye. Dogs don’t live nearly long enough. Letting a dog go when it is his time is the hardest part of having dogs.

In Conclusion

Having a dog has so many great benefits, but they also require a lot of preparation and care. It’s a lot like having kids. Dogs need you. You give them everything they need, and they will repay you with all the love in the world. Make sure you are ready to make the 15-year commitment because it wouldn’t be fair to that dog if you aren’t ready.

Recommended Just For You:

  • 53 Questions You MUST Ask a Rescue BEFORE Adopting a Dog
  • Why You Should Adopt a Dog from a Foster-Based Rescue
  • How to Choose and Adopt the Perfect Dog for You
  • Bringing Your New Dog Home and the 3-3-3 Rule
Get your FREE *From Rescue to Home, Your Survival Checklist*

グレートデンの養子縁組について考えていますか?もしそうなら、養子縁組のためにグレートデンの子犬の1匹を手に入れる前に知っておくべきことがいくつかあります。 これらの愛情のこもった大型犬種は、世界中の住宅所有者にとって最も一般的な犬種のトップ15にランクされています。これは、AKCを通じて認識された195の犬種があるということで多くを語っています。そうは言っても、グレートデンのブリーダーを介して犬を飼う前に知っておくべきことがいくつかあります。 ビッグドッグ ご存知かもしれませんが、グレートデンは大きな犬です。はい、彼らはフレンドリーで愛らしいですが、彼らは巨大です。一部のグレートデンは


あなたが賢く、勤勉で、自信のある犬種を求めているなら、ベルギーのマリノアはあなたにぴったりかもしれません! ただし、この犬を養子にするためにマリノア救助センターに逃げる前に、この品種について知っておく必要があることがいくつかあります。 牧畜犬としての豊かな歴史と遺産を持つマリノアは、ジャーマンシェパードについて学び、誤解されない品種です。それらは非常によく似ていますが、まったく異なる品種です。 歴史:ベルギーのマリノアはどこから来たのですか? ベルジアンマリノアは、ベルギーの村にちなんで名付けられた4匹のベルジアンシェパード犬の1つです。テルビュレン、マリノアシェパード(メシェラー)