猫が不安障害になることはありますか?はい、おそらくあなたが思っているよりも一般的です。猫の不安には明確な兆候もあれば、より微妙なものもある、と Fuzzy Pet Health の獣医師である DVM の Jessica Herman 氏は述べています。
キャサリン フォールズのコマーシャル/ゲッティ イメージズ
「人間と同じように、猫の中には他の猫よりも不安が強いものがあります」と、ポスドク獣医フェローであり、認定された応用動物行動学者であり、ペットフード会社 Smalls の常駐猫専門家でもあるミケル デルガド博士は言います。 「これは遺伝の影響もあるので、生まれつき不安症になりやすい猫もいるかもしれません。同時に、幼い頃の社会化は、猫のストレス反応がどれほど敏感になるかに影響を与えます。」
For that reason, Delgado says it’s ideal for kittens to get lots of gentle, positive exposure to different people, animals, types of handling, and experiences—such as being in a carrier—when they are young. This early experience will help them cope better with change when they are older. While we’re on the subject, here’s how to get your cat in a carrier without getting clawed.
All cats want to feel a sense of safety, control, and choice in their daily lives and interactions with people and other animals, notes Delgado. Keep this in mind as you work to relieve your cat’s anxiety.
“Never punish a cat for exhibiting signs of anxiety, as this could make the anxiety worse and cause more unwanted behavior. You want to make them feel safe and loved,” says Dr. Herman. “Sticking to a routine will help. Feeding and playing with your cat at a similar time each day will help create security. Creating a mentally stimulating environment will help, as well.” For example, you might add cat perches and scratching posts to your home, and/or provide an array of cat toys, including food puzzles and interactive mouse feeders. In that same vein, make sure your cat has a quiet, safe place to escape.
Another important thing you can do is scoop the litter box daily and replace the litter every week. That’s actually one of the big things your cat wants from you. An unclean litter box can be a huge source of stress for a cat. On that note, Delgado says that you may need to add more litter boxes and food dishes to soothe a stressed cat, especially if they’re in a multi-cat home. Every cat should have their own.
“Calming cat pheromone products can help, as well,” says Dr. Herman. “Feliway spray, diffusers, and wipes mimic a natural ‘happy feeling’ feline pheromone for your cat and can soothe, calm, and relax him or her.”
You should consult your vet any time you notice a significant change in your cat’s behavior, personality, or body language. That includes exhibiting the signs of anxiety outlined above, as well as a change in how much your cat is sleeping. “It’s also important to recognize that anxiety is more pervasive than short-term fear. Some cats will hide briefly after a loud noise or a visitor, but they return to ‘normal’ shortly afterward,” explains Delgado. “Anxiety tends to be more ongoing and doesn’t always have a clear trigger. Just like you would take your cat to the vet if they had a broken leg, anxiety can lead your cat to suffer and requires medical treatment.”
During your appointment, your vet will likely ask for a detailed history of your cat’s behavior and perform a physical examination before determining the best course of action. “Your vet may recommend medication or behavior-modification techniques,” says Delgado, “or [they may] refer you to a behavior specialist who can help you assess your cat’s situation and environment for changes.”
Whether your vet prescribes your cat anxiety meds or not, you’ll definitely want to create a routine for your cat, as well as environmental enrichment. That’s ultimately what will help make your cat calmer. Next, learn the other signs it’s time to take your cat to the vet.
Dog Anxiety Awareness Weekは、犬の飼い主のペットの不安に対する意識を高めるのに役立ちます。ほぼすべての犬が一度に不安を経験しますが、一部の犬は感情に苦しみ、不安障害を発症する傾向があります。不安障害や不安障害のある犬は、行動が不快になるため、一緒に暮らすのが難しい場合があります。しかし、不安の兆候は必ずしも明白ではなく、ペットの飼い主は、意図的、頑固、または老化として行動を書き留めることがあります。以下は、犬の不安の兆候、それを認識する方法、そしていつ犬をBlue SkyVetClinicに連れて行って助けを求めるべきかを示しています。 犬の不安の3つの一般的な原因
家でキャットニップを楽しんでいる飼い猫 ほとんどの猫の世話をする人は、猫にキャットニップの匂いや味を提供し、猫の友達がそれを楽しんでいるのを見てきました。食べたり、匂いを嗅いだり、転がったり、リラックスした状態でくつろいだりしています。夢中ですか? 関連:最も紛らわしいペットの行動、説明 Catnipとは何ですか? キャットニップは植物であり、科学的にはネペタカタリアとして知られています。 —それはミント科の一員です。有効成分はネペタラクトンと呼ばれ、多くの飼い猫がさまざまな方法で反応します。 (おもしろい事実:ライオンやトラなどの大型猫にも影響を及ぼします。)この植物は、葉、茎、種